Potty house

October 1, 2010

"potty training aid"

With potty training on the horizon, I’m wanting anything that’ll ease the pain.  Ideally I’m after a magic wand but since Harry Potter’s ignored my calls, i guess I’m on my own.  So off I went googling instead and found Ma Cacabane on minor details’ blog and just had to share.  Ma Cacabane is an eco-friendly potty play house so cool.   Made of recyclable cardboard this is the perfect place for potty trainees to get some privacy.  Once inside, there’s plenty to look at with all the little drawings and there’s even windows to look out of.  And when they’re ready, they can open the door.  It comes in delicious colours like sweet blueberry, my favourite,  and spinash green, and once your potty trainee has graduated it’ll make for a  mini-playhouse or a perfect place to hide.  It costs €39 plus €25 for delivery – not cheap with delivery but then again whats the price for potty training help?

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