Cool and quirky soft toys by Lucky Boy Sunday

October 24, 2011

"quirky and cool soft toys by lucky boy sunday"

I love Lucky Boy Sunday.  I just realised that I hadn’t featured them on my blog and I couldn’t wait to do it.  From Denmark, these soft toys, throw pillows and nursery decor stuff are just delicious.  So cool, so quirky and so much fun.  I can’t help but smile every time I look at one of their creations.  Any of these characters would look so cool just placed nonchalantly in a play space or kids room and they’re immensely hug-able too, especially sad Joe who is pictured at the bottom on the right.

Lucky Boy Sunday offer their classic range but they also have a special holiday collection for Christmas.  The little weirdly wonderful snowmen are part of the holiday range.  And speaking of Christmas, look out for my fun and stylish Christmas gift list which I shall be bringing you next week.  To get these Lucky Boy Sunday characters you can try Little Fashion Gallery who have a wide range on offer or else Sisters Guild also have a slightly different range.

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