Happy mothers day

March 28, 2014

"happy mothers day from ebabee"

Do you take loads of pictures of your kids?  If you are anything like me, I often click away but when I recently looked back at my photos I realised there were hardly any of me with Anya.  My biggest regret is that I don’t have many with Anya as a newborn.  One of the reasons is that I am very camera shy but also I am the one taking the pictures.  So I’ve ended up with loads of pictures of Anya which is great but I’d love to have more of her with me and more with all three of us as a family.  Abigail Fahey, a photographer and mum of four offered to come over and photograph us for Mothers Day so I agreed.

"mother and child photography"

We decided to keep things natural and didn’t dress up for the shoot.  I’m not keen on those studio shoots where everyone is posed and every last detail planned.  Instead it was about capturing us in our everyday lives in our home, doing what we normally do.  So we cuddled, tickled, played on my bed and just enjoyed each other while Abigail shot us.

"family photographers Surrey"

I love the way Abigail has captured us in our home, with us just being who we really are.  We are a very cuddly, huggy, affectionate family and I think Abigail has got that so well.  Through my blog I get to meet many talented and creative people like Abigail and I feel so lucky and grateful for this.  Abigail has an amazing eye and a unique style – love those reflections in the shots below.

"mothers day shoot ebabee"

Whenever I visit my mum in India, I always enjoy looking through our old family albums.  So despite my camera shyness, I’m so glad I did this because it’s not only a great Mothers Day memory but also something both Anya and I will look back on in years to come and I know we’ll be so happy to have some beautiful shots of us together.  A big thanks to Abigail whose beautiful family photography you can see more of on her website.  

Wishing you an amazing Mothers Day full of love and I hope you capture those memories this weekend. x

P.S.  Abigail has also photographed herself with her four beautiful children and has set all you mothers out there a challenge for this Mothers Day.  Find out more on her blog.

{all photographs by Abigail Fahey Photography for ebabee}

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