Oh, how quickly they grow!

March 7, 2014

"how quickly kids grow up ebabee"

I’ve been keeping a little photo log of Anya ever since she was born.  My idea is to photograph her in the same chair, wearing white, sitting next to her favourite stuffed toy over a period of many years.  I started when she was 5 months old and took the latest picture last week.

When I look back at the original picture and compare it to the latest one, I can’t believe the huge change in 5 short years.  I’ve often been told ‘kids grow very quickly so make sure you enjoy them at every stage’.  I never really understood or appreciated this sentiment till Anya came along but now I totally get it.  Time is moving fast and life is busy for most of us so it’s really easy to forget to enjoy every little moment of bonding and love that we share with our kids every single day.  I love looking back at these photos once in a while because they are a constant reminder that every age, every stage is fleeting so it’s important to enjoy the moment you’re in because it won’t last long.

I’m so glad I’ve kept this photo record and I plan to continue till she’s 18!  Have you done anything similar with your kids? I’d love to hear.

Have a fun weekend and enjoy those amazing everyday moments with your kids. x

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  • Honest Mum

    Found this post so moving Nomita, aw Anya is so beautiful, as a baby and now and what a great, creative idea! Could I love your blog anymore. Thanks for being my happy place xx

    • ebabee likes

      Awww, thank you so much for your lovely words. Really means a lot to me. Your comment has made my day. xxx

  • KensingtonMums

    What a great idea, so touching and moving. xx

  • thefolia

    Lovely idea…I once saw a father who photographed his newborn with clothing from his wife for a span of sixteen years until she basically grew into her mother’s clothing.

    • ebabee likes

      Thank you. That sounds like a fun idea too. One of my favourite photography ideas was this mum who photographed her baby when the baby was sleeping. But the mum tried to imagine what the baby could be dreaming of and she created a little dream scene around the sleeping baby. Hard to explain but if you want to see it, it’s Mila’s Daydreams.

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