Little Flea – what will you discover?

July 30, 2015

best baby boutiques online

When I was a kid, I remember visiting London for a holiday and my parents took me and my brother to Hamley’s toy store for the first time.  It was like a dream come true.  We were small, wide-eyed kids who couldn’t quite believe a shop like this existed.  We had only ever been to small toy shops before, so to see this kind of scale was almost too much for us.  Everywhere I turned, there were toys and games that went from floor to ceiling or so it seemed to me.  Toys that I could touch and feel and smell!  We weren’t allowed to buy much – we were each given a small budget but that didn’t matter.  It was the looking, the exploring, the touching and the just being there that was the best part.   I also think it would have been quite boring if we had unlimited budgets because where’s the fun in being able to buy everything.

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Sometimes I think back on that experience and wish that all the brands I love for kids would be under one roof.  These days I am much more in to the non-mainstream stuff which can sometimes be hard to find and almost impossible to find under one roof.  While I keep dreaming about this fantasy shop that will probably never exist, I’ve discovered a virtual place that comes pretty close.  It’s called Little Flea and it’s a one-stop place to discover some of the best boutiques for babies and kids.

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If, like me, you like to look beyond the mainstream and seek out something that little bit more beautiful or unique for your kids then Little Flea is the place to go to.  You’ll find familiar favourites like Bobo Choses and of course my very own ebabee shop too 😉 but you’ll also discover some very cool new lines like Little Indians (love them) and Magnus & Mouse.  Little Flea isn’t a shop but the owner Anna carefully hand-picks and features gorgeous stuff for babies and kids which otherwise would be very hard to find.  So it’s a great place to browse, discover and get inspired.

A little business tip – if you have a stylish small business or shop for kids then you too can get in touch with Anna and ask to be featured on her site.  Anna is very helpful and approachable and loves the brands and products she features.

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  • Mirka Moore @Kahanka @Fitness4Mamas

    You know why i love coming to your blog lovely? It’s the most stylish place/blog i know and love looking at your photographs and pretty things! I rarely click o links in posts, but i did click the Little Flea, and love the site!!! Little Indians are just amazing! Hope your house is coming along nicely! And guess what bracelets I keep on wearing almost all the time? Thank you for such an adorable present!

    • ebabee likes

      Thank you so much lovely. Little Fleas is a indeed a beautiful place just to go browse and get inspired. So glad you liked it and so happy you enjoying wearing the bracelet xx

  • Honest mum

    Wow I love how quirky and unique Little Flea is and I like you remember Hamleys all wide-eyed and bushy tailed (I much prefer Toy Kingdom in Harrods now, as do my kids) and I understand totally where you’re coming from with an alternative outlet, maybe that should be your next business idea xx

    • ebabee likes

      I love little flea – great place to go if you’re looking for a slightly different gift idea too. And re: the new venture, it has crossed my mind! xx

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