Bedtime Math: A book that makes maths fun!

February 15, 2016

maths books for 7 year olds

Hands up, who is maths phobic?  It turns out that a lot of us parents are and that we can unintentionally pass on this math phobia to our kids.

We tend to place a lot of emphasis on language and reading.  Every parent I know reads to their kids at bedtime and usually started when their kids were babies.  But why not the same importance for maths?  If I had to choose between the two, I would say that maths is a more important skill to understand and feel confident about.  I’ve read a lot recently about this and it really resonated with me.  Up till now Anya has loved and enjoyed maths but recently she started struggling with the concept of division and I started hearing phrases like ‘I can’t do it’ and ‘I just don’t understand’.  That’s when I went hunting for a maths book for kids to help make maths more fun for her.

best maths books for 7 year olds

I discovered Bedtime Math which is just the kind of thing I was looking for.  The book is American so has American references (like Math, American States, Ounces etc) but this hasn’t bothered us at all.  Each page has a very short story or some fun facts and then there are four maths questions with increasing levels of difficulty. The author doesn’t give any age group for the questions as each child’s skill level is different.  So the idea is to work on the sums you can and work towards the harder ones.

This maths book is all about making maths fun and also suggests that maths could be a part of our bedtime routine just like reading.  Of course you don’t have to do the sums at bedtime but we’ve found it kind of fun to mix up the bedtime routine.  We do one page each night and then move on to reading story books. We’ve had the book a couple of weeks and it’s great.  Anya enjoys the challenges and also enjoys reading the fun little stories.  Bedtime Math is also a website and app where they post a new problem each day.  But I liked the idea of the book as I like to touch and hold books rather than look at everything on a screen.

There are three books in the Bedtime Math series and we’re currently on the first one.  I am sold on the idea so I shall be getting the other two.  Making maths fun is so important and this book does just that.  I’d say the book is ideal for 4-9 years olds but it really depends on the child – some will be more advanced than others so the age range is kind of fluid.  If you’re in the UK, you can find the book here and for my US readers, the book is here.

Would you consider a bit of maths at bedtime?  Do you know of a fun maths book for kids? 

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  • Mirka Moore @Kahanka

    I think that maths is also more important and needs much more attention than reading. Reading is something our little ones are exposed to all the time (which is good), and they all will master one day regarding unlike maths. That needs our little ones to understand each topic and is not about repetition but thinking and it’s good to know there are books that can be a fun way to help them with Maths. Will look this up. Thanks for sharing x

    • ebabee likes

      I couldn’t agree more – reading and language they all pick up. But if you don’t understand something in maths, it can affect all the future maths you do. It’s so important to be confident in maths. This book is fun and we love it here! x

  • Charlotte

    Also, love the sound of this book! Thank you… I am so inspired with how my eldest is being taught maths in school so this is right up our street… She loves the mathletics site already and doesn’t think of it as homework at all – it is all in the presentation IMO 😉

    • ebabee likes

      Same here – mine loves Mathletics to and doesn’t think of it as homework. And you are so right – it is all in the way it’s presented. Mine is loving this book and can’t wait to do it every evening. x

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