Entries Tagged as 'baby sleepwear'

"baby pyjamas in a jar"How cute are these jammies in a jar?  This is the creation of a pair of siblings who got the idea because in the 1980’s their dad used to buy pyjamas, put them in a jar and gift them to anyone who was expecting.   So when brother and sister, Meryl and Brian, decided they wanted to pursue their interest in kids and babies clothes, they took their dad’s cute idea and turned it in to Jammies pret-a-porter.  The pyjamas come as all in ones or in a top and bottom combo and are for babies up to 9 months old.  I love all the colours they’ve chosen for the trim on the pyjama sets but my favourite is probably the watermelon trim.  I also love the simple white pyjamas.  These jammies would be an unusual gift for any expectant mum but especially for one who already has everything.  Yup, I’m thinking Meryl & Brian should send a jar to Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge.

Happy Friday friends.  Have a wonderful weekend.

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