Entries Tagged as 'bedtime math'

maths books for 7 year olds

Hands up, who is maths phobic?  It turns out that a lot of us parents are and that we can unintentionally pass on this math phobia to our kids.

We tend to place a lot of emphasis on language and reading.  Every parent I know reads to their kids at bedtime and usually started when their kids were babies.  But why not the same importance for maths?  If I had to choose between the two, I would say that maths is a more important skill to understand and feel confident about.  I’ve read a lot recently about this and it really resonated with me.  Up till now Anya has loved and enjoyed maths but recently she started struggling with the concept of division and I started hearing phrases like ‘I can’t do it’ and ‘I just don’t understand’.  That’s when I went hunting for a maths book for kids to help make maths more fun for her.

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