Entries Tagged as 'buggy handle protector'

"buggy handle protectors"

How cute are these buggy socks?  And the name too.  Cheerful little stripy socks to protect your (umbrella) buggy handles that can fray and tear over time.  But even if they don’t,  I still love these socks for their cute factor.  And besides protecting, they will also make your buggy standout from the crowd.  Very handy in the playground.  They come in many different coloured stripes and a range of sizes to fit a variety of buggy handles and there’s also a sweet pompom version of these handle protectors.  I’m past the buggy stage but if I ever went back there, I’d have to choose the bright turquoise and grey striped ones.  Which colour would you choose?

"cotton knit baby poncho"

Buggy Socks also make adorable ponchos and buggy blankets in bright solid colours or stripes.  They’re all knitted from 100% cotton so are especially ideal for Spring and Autumn.   When I saw their range, it was the ponchos I first fell for.  I love stripes and in these vibrant colours they will liven-up any outfit.  Buggy Socks are are based in Spain where everything is made and most of their range is suitable for 0-3 year olds.  They really do take stripy cuteness to a whole new level and therefore I’m happy to have them on board as my newest sponsor. 

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