Do you remember my DIY mini forest advent calendar? Well, I had all those mini origami trees floating around so I had to do something with them. With our recent house move, I knew there would be no tree this year but I did have 24 of these mini trees which I wasn’t ready to get rid of just yet. So I decided to simply make a little mini tree garland.
If you’re starting from scratch you’ll have to make the origami tree’s first of course. But after that it’s really simple. All you need is a needle and thread and just string the trees together at the top. Super easy, peasy! I had the green trees from my advent calendar but you could easily make the garland in any colour you like – perhaps a black and white one or even a gold one. Alternatively these little trees could also become tree ornaments – again just thread from the top and hang from your big tree.
What else would you use these little trees for? Name place holders? Table decorations? Anything else?
{all photos by ebabee}