Entries Tagged as 'desks'

adjustable wall shelves

As your kids move beyond the baby stage, life starts zooming by even quicker than before.  I mean it feels like one minute they’re learning their ABC’s and the next they’re reading to you!  That phrase – ‘they grow up too quick’ – that only parents understand, has never meant more to me than now.  Knowing this, I’ve realised when decorating your kids room, you have to keep in mind that they grow so quickly.  Keeping this reality at the back of your mind will save you money, angst and the headache of re-decorating every year or two.  A while ago I shared some ideas on how to design a room your kids won’t outgrow and today I wanted to share this great shelving system that has so, so many possibilities.  As far as changeable, practical and adjustable wall shelves go, I don’t think I’ve seen better.

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