The rain doesn’t seem to want to leave us alone here in London. My loud and repeated chanting of ‘rain, rain go away’ hasn’t done the trick. My 4 year old daughter is luckily a big fan of board games so we do spend time playing these on rainy days. But once you’ve played Snakes & Ladders 14 times in a row, it’s either time to scream or move on. The other rainy day activity that is always greeted with squeals of delight is crafting and DIY. So I went looking for a few fun and most importantly easy crafts and here’s what I liked:
These DIY paper beads are easy to make and look so pretty too. The ones pictured are made of origami paper but you can use any paper you like. So really all you need is paper and a bit of glue. Once made, these can be threaded to make bracelets, necklaces or even a garland for your kids room. These over-sized face masks on a stick are so cute! Very easy to make and your child can get as creative as they like with the faces. Make hats or crowns, glue on straws for the hair or use glitter to add a bit of sparkle… the possibilities are endless.
I love these DIY {edible} finger paints because not only can you make as many colours as you like, but this is one DIY that will entertain even babies. Since the paints are edible, babies and get as creative (and messy!) as they like without you needing to worry.