Entries Tagged as 'doll furniture'

Handmade pretties…

February 26, 2013

"hand made rag dolls"I’m a bit of a hoarder.  I’m just not very good at throwing out stuff and tend to get (unnecessarily) attached to things.  But this year I decided that I have to change and get better at divesting.  I started by pulling out a whole load of my daughters clothes and toys that I have been saving from when she was born 4 years ago… I think I kept nearly everything she ever owned!  Going through this stuff I kept picturing her playing with each toy or wearing each outfit and ended up with a massive ‘to keep’ pile and a tiny ‘to giveaway’ pile.  So I started again but with one strict rule… I could keep 21 things and the rest had to go. While I adore some of the stuff I’ve bought her over the years, I found that the majority of the stuff I kept was her handmade things.  Cardigans, sweaters, soft toys and even little dolls house furniture, some loving handmade by her grandmother, some by her father and others bought from independent little designers who make their wares by hand.  There is something so special about handmade even if it’s bought.  I’m always on the look out for new designers that make things by hand so when I stumbled across this Spanish store full of handmade goodies I fell for it.

"hand made rag dolls"Minina Loves makes cute rag dolls, adorable little beds and bedding for them and also some mobiles, cloud cushions and jewellery for kids.  I absolutely love the little beds and bedding for the dolls and the way that each dolls room is decorated.  The rooms are so pretty that I wouldn’t mind having a similar life-size one for my daughter!  The cloud cushions with the little gold polka dots are really sweet too and the bird and cat necklaces are so adorable for little girls.  There’s lots of little details in every piece making each one unique.  Minina Loves’ creations are all limited edition and are all made with great care and love which shines through each piece.

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