Entries Tagged as 'dressing up headwear'

Dressing up fun…

November 29, 2013

"kids dressing up ideas"We love a bit of dressing up fun in this house.  It doesn’t have to be Halloween, Christmas or any special occasion but instead it’s something my daughter Anya does daily.  The minute she’s back from school the uniform is off and she heads straight for her dressing up box.  Each day she emerges wearing something totally quirky and mismatched but she loves it and I love watching her delight in this.   So today I wanted to share some dressing up ideas and things that I’m currently loving.  My favourite… that little baby in those angel wings and a diaper.  Isn’t he the cutest?

Have a fun weekend!  And a very happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers.

Images: 1. feather & tutu girl,  2. bunny ear headband,  3. baby angel,  4.  mouse girl,  5. pink bunny ears

A floral head piece…

September 3, 2012

"floral headdress girls"

"girls floral head piece"Today is the last day of summer holidays… while I’ll be happy to have some time to myself, I’ll also miss having my daughter around.  To celebrate the last day we’ve got lots of fun stuff planned so I’ve promised to spend as little time working as possible.  But before I go off to play I wanted to share these beautiful images with you.  I spotted them on the Oh Joy! blog and they took my breath away.  The girl is stunning as are the floral head pieces.  I know my daughter would love to wear something like this when she’s playing dress-up but then again, which little girl wouldn’t.  Maybe one day I’ll get around to making one but for today I’ll just admire these beautiful pictures shot by Chaunte Vaughn and styled by Jessi Butterfield.

Lovely lilac things…

August 17, 2012

"lilac dress for girls"

A short while ago I wrote about some pretty pink things as my daughter is obsessed with the colour pink.  Many of you really enjoyed the post (thanks for letting me know) so I went to my daughter to inquire about her second favourite colour.  According to her the second best colour in the whole wide world is purple or lilac as I prefer to call it.  So here are some lilac goodies for you:

1.  Love this chic Italian polka dotted dress with the stylish tie detail.

2.  A cute and hug-able star shaped cushion to decorate a baby’s cot or a kid’s bed.

3.  A cool feather headband for dress up play or to add a bit of drama to any outfit.

4.  Delicious looking lollipops with violets and pansies… how pretty are these?!

Crowning around…

June 29, 2012

"kids dress up crowns"

Which kid doesn’t like dressing up?  I have yet to come across one and in the meantime I think no dressing up box can be complete without a crown.  My daughter is no exception and has reached the age where dressing up is all she wants to do.  She wakes up each morning and before she’s even had her milk, she’s all dressed up!  So I have been adding to her dress up items and I’m currently on the hunt for a cool crown.  I’ve found 5 that I love so now it’s all about choosing… luckily I have an excuse to get 2 as you always need a spare crown, don’t you?!  Here are my picks:

1.  A very cool sparkly headband crown… 2.  A pretty and elegant crochet crown*… 3.  An easy to make but regal looking make your own cardboard crown… 4.  A sweet wool felt crown that comes in many bright colours… 5.  A knitted crown that’s simple but so stylish and it’s also available in many subtle colours.

*via threetwentyeight

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