Entries Tagged as 'ebabee projects'

"making your dreams come true"

Over the Summer I mentioned a new project I was working on.  Well this week I’ve really learned that nothing happens as quickly or as smoothly as you want it to.  What should have taken no more than three weeks has taken well over a month.  Apart from timing, there have been lots of little things that aren’t going according to plan.  It’s been frustrating and stressful and some days I’ve really wondered if it’s all worth it.  But deep down I know it is so I’ve tried to stay positive, work through the problems and stay focused on the end goal.  You may have noticed the odd missed post and late posts but hopefully soon I will be back on track.  

Today is the first day that I feel like this will come together and that I’m within touching distance.  There is still a lot to do but it’s starting to feel very real.  I can’t wait to share it with you and if all goes to plan that will be soon, very soon.  I’m both excited and nervous – that first date kind of feeling in the pit of your stomach is the best way to describe it.  But I’m so glad I haven’t let all the frustrations stop me from reaching that goal and making my dream a reality.

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t give up on that dream no matter what.  If you haven’t started making it a reality yet, just start.  Imagine where you could be in a years time – that thought is what keeps me going!  x

Just start…

August 15, 2014

"start making those dreams come true"Do you have a project that you’ve been putting off?  Have you been waiting for the right time?  I’ve had a project in mind for months and I kept finding reasons not to do it.  The reasons ranged from time constraints to fear of failure (if I’m completely honest) and everything in between.  I’ve realised if you put your mind to it, you can find one million excuses not to do something.  And that’s exactly why I was stuck.

Then I came across this quote and it really resonated with me.  I realised that I had been creating obstacles for myself and there really was no reason not to start.  Yes, it may not work but I won’t know that till I’ve tried.  And after all isn’t it better to have tried and failed than to regret never trying?  Yes, time is an issue but I also believe you can make time for something you truly want.  With hard work and dedication to my project, I pictured where I could be in one years time and that spurred me on greatly.  And finally one of the best ways to make yourself do something – tell people about it!  Simple.  So I have started telling friends and I’ve now told all of you!  I can’t wait to share more with you soon.  Watch this space!

Have you been putting off a dream?  What will motivate you to start?  I’d love to hear what’s stopping you from going after it because chances are whatever it is, can be overcome.

Have a wonderful weekend full of making your dreams come true x

*Quote by Karen Lamb | Image via

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