Entries Tagged as 'funny books'

chapter books with lots of pictures

While there are lots of fabulous kids picture books out there, I have not had too much luck finding fun chapter books for kids, especially ones with lots of pictures.  Anya is at that age (6 years) where picture books are still of interest to her but she could do with longer stories and more text to develop her reading.  Recently I stumbled across The Beast in My Belly and it was just the kind of book I had been looking for.  It’s a short chapter book for kids with most chapters no longer than a page or two but it also has lots of fun pictures on every page.  At 6, kids still really engage with pictures and like to look at them alongside reading the text and this book has plenty of both.  Besides which it is a great little story too.

chapter books for kids with pictures

Rumble, rumble, rumble!  It’s that noisy tummy rumbling feeling we all get when we’re hungry.  We’ve all experienced it but what happens when you’re a small child and don’t know why it’s happening?  What could it possibly be?  The Beast in my Belly is a funny chapter book about how far a child’s imagination can go when they’re trying to figure out something they’ve never experienced before.  The little girl in the book imagines all sorts of things that could be happening inside her belly each time it rumbles.  She is convinced there is something sinister inside her belly and tries to tell the adults in her life but of course none of them believe her.  The illustrations are quirky and unusual and really bring the book to life.  The colours they’ve used in the drawings are stunning too.

chapter books with pictures

The Beast in My Belly is a great short chapter book for kids around 5-7 years old to read to themselves.  But it’s also a fun book to read out loud to younger kids.  It’s great for plenty of giggles with lots of cute drawings and it’s just a sweet little book which we have thoroughly enjoyed.

captain coconut and the case of the missing bananas

One of my favourite places to discover new and unusual kids books is in museum shops especially here in the UK and in the US.  You can find real gems that you wouldn’t easily come across elsewhere.  Last week we visited Tate Modern and after admiring the art I made a beeline for the shop.  I barely glanced at the adult collections, knowing that I was here to check out the kids books which didn’t disappoint.  There were loads of fabulous books some of which I had already come across but many others that I was delighted to discover.  I could have bought about 20 books but I had to hold back.  There was one though that I couldn’t resist and that was Captain Coconut & the case of the missing bananas.

funny books for 6 year oldsCaptain Coconut and the Case of the Missing Bananas is such a fun kids book – full of laugh out loud humour that kids (and adults) will love.  Captain Coconut is a detective who is called in to solve the mind-boggling case of the missing bananas.  But Captain Coconut is no ordinary dectective – he has a brain as fast as lightening or so he thinks.  Mrs Y is distraught as she bought 14 bananas and 4 of these were eaten by her and her family.  The next morning, instead of finding 10 bananas, there were only 6!  Where have those 4 missing bananas gone?  So Captain Coconut arrives and goes about solving the mystery with lots of silliness, fun and entertainment for the reader.  Beyond the fun there are also some simple maths puzzles (about the disappearing bananas) that kids will enjoy solving with Captain Coconut.  The graphic illustrations are so artistic and colourful using collage style art and there are lots of them so there’s plenty to look at on each page too.

best books for 6 year olds

Anya adored this book and after we had read it together, she went off to read it by herself.  Every so often I would hear her laughing out loud.  It’s a book that is ideal to read to younger kids and but also great for slightly older kids to read by themselves – like around 6-7 years.  Captain Coconut and the Case of the Missing Bananas is the first book in this series but there are more cases coming soon – I can’t wait.  This book is such a joy so if you are looking for something fun and a little bit different, then do check it out.

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