Of late, Anya has been coming up with some random and funny things during our conversations. She’s nearly six and the way her mind works is quite hysterical sometimes. I’m so glad I’ve started writing them down because they’ll be such fun to look back on in a few years time. Do you keep a note of what your kids say? Here are some of Anya’s latest thoughts which I thought I would share:
Me: You know, one day you’ll grow big and you’ll probably be even bigger than me.
Anya (looking delighted): That means one day I’ll be 35 years old and you’ll be 30. Wow! (I wish)
On our walk to school earlier this week
Me: Anya, I’m really cold. Are you cold?
Anya: No mama, I’m fine.
Me: Oh well, at least you’re not cold. I wish I’d worn a scarf so that my neck was warm at least.
Anya (in all seriousness): At least your boobies are warm! (what?!!)
Anya was going to a teddy bears picnic at school
Me: You can choose a teddy bear to take to your teddy bears picnic
Anya: Are you allowed to bring a different kind of teddy bear?
Me: Like what?
Anya: Like an Octopus?
Anya: Mama, when will I have babies in my tummy?
Me: Not for another 25 years at least.
Anya: That’s too long. Can I have them in 25 minutes?
What are some of the funny things your kids have said? I’d love to hear in the comments.
Have a lovely weekend full of laughter – x
{Photo by ebabee. Anya wears cute friends sleepsuit}