Entries Tagged as 'fussy eaters'

how to get fussy eaters to eat

I’ve had a fussy/picky/tricky (pick a word) eater since the day she was born.  The first clue she gave us was the on the day she was born.  She wouldn’t drink her milk or barely had a few drops.  I was actually kept in hospital an extra two days as they were concerned about her lack of appetite. Then came weaning – probably the most difficult phase we’ve been through yet.  It took nearly 1.5 years to wean her – that is truth.  Fast forward seven years and lots of creative, sometimes downright crazy tricks and methods used by me and things have improved.  While I’m no expert on how to get fussy eaters to eat, I think I’ve learned a thing or two.  I would still call her a fussy eater but at least she eats far better than she used to.

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