Entries Tagged as 'gallery wall'

Gallery walls are all the rage and they look great.  I’m considering one for my living room but I think they look fab in any room especially a kids room where you can have so much fun creating one.  It’s a great way to update a room that needs a bit of life or to just change the look for a new season.  The most obvious way to create a gallery wall is to have loads of shop bought framed prints but there are other creative ways and the best part is that gallery walls don’t cost much to create.  Things like kids artworks make a great a gallery wall or you don’t even have to use art.  Some of the cutest gallery walls I’ve seen use objects and decorations and even clothes.   Here are some fun and unusual ideas on how to create a gallery wall in a kids bedroom:

how to create a gallery wallI love this monochrome nursery wall.  Lots of fun, quirky, interesting postcards, shapes and more simply taped to the wall with washi tape.  There’s no order here, they’ve just stuck lots on but I love that and because they’ve kept the tones the same it makes it even more striking.  Best of all, there’s lots for the baby to look at.

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