One of my biggest personal ambitions is to see as much of the world as I can and to share this experience with my husband and daughter. I love discovering new cultures, cuisines and places that can seem so different yet familiar at the same time. It fascinates me that the world is getting smaller and nearly everywhere is so accessible these days. My husband and I have a list of places we ‘need’ to visit and are working our way through these whenever we can. Top of our list for a long while had been Argentina and Uruguay and we eventually got there this January. It was a thrill! New list topper is China and we hope to make it there sometime in the next year or two. We do spend far too much time dreaming about all the places we could see right away if we won the lottery… but then again, everyone’s got to have dreams!
We would love our 4 year old daughter to grow up with a curiosity about our small world, about different yet similar cultures, about food and new experiences. To encourage her we bought her a globe for her room and play silly, made-up travel games centered around where she lives, where her extended family live and where she’s going on holiday. Now I’m considering re-doing her room and I’m thinking of complementing the globe with a map of the world on the wall. She can then pin pictures, souvenirs, postcards or whatever she likes and really make it her personal map. But I also think maps make lovely wall art and are as great as any other art for any room in the home.
So I went on the hunt for some kids rooms with maps and the above are what I found. The choices are many ranging from vintage to modern and single countries to the entire world. They can be as colourful and artistic or as traditional and accurate as you like. I’m also loving the idea of having a globe light. Maps are great for encouraging a child to want to know more about our world or their country but they are fabulous wall candy too.
Image credits: 1. Mr Perswall… 2. Babble… 3. Room to bloom… 4. Decopeques… 5. Apartment therapy…