Entries Tagged as 'hair pins'

DIY pom pom hair clips

February 2, 2016

DIY pom pom hair clipsI was recently gifted a pom pom maker and I can’t even begin to tell you how many pom poms I’ve made.  I thought it was about time I did something with them and so here is my first pom pom DIY that I want to share with you.  These DIY pom pom hair clips are so easy to make and so pretty!  I’ve made so many that I’ve started gifting them too and they’ve been really fun little handmade presents to give to Anya’s friends.  I’m also loving the idea of using these as pretty little party bag treats.

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"cute hair clips for girl"

These have got to be the cutest hair clips for little girls, don’t you think?  From fruity ones to funky ones, they’re all so fun.  Those crocodile ones are just the best!  These hair clips always make me smile and I think they would delight any little lady.  And they’d also be a fab addition to a party bag.

"pretty hair clips for girls"My daughter is such a girly girl that I have trouble getting her to wear anything but skirts and dresses.  Sometimes jeans or trousers are just more practical but getting these on her means a guaranteed battle that often ends in tears and tantrums.  Recently I had a thought –  why not try putting some ribbon in her hair on the days she has to wear jeans or has to wear anything less girly.  This has worked a treat.  So I’ve gone with this idea and taken it a step further by getting lots of pretty hair clips as well as ribbons in a range of colours.  While looking for hair clips, these were some of my favourite finds and so I thought I would share because any of these would make great stocking fillers for all your girly girls. 

The 3 hair clips on the left are by The Summer House while the 3 on the right are by Cos.

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