Entries Tagged as 'halloween treats'

DIY halloween treat bags

I’m so glad that Halloween is becoming more and more of a thing here in the UK and especially London.  If you have kids, what’s not to love about Halloween?  Anya loves the whole dressing up and trick or treating thing as so do all her little friends.  Sometimes the child in me feels so tempted to wear a costume and do the whole trick or treating with them – should I?  The other thing to love about Halloween is all the treats and candy.  Last year Anya came back with a haul so big, she couldn’t quite believe her eyes – I don’t think she had ever seen so much candy in her life!

DIY halloween treat bags for kids

Each year we are invited to a Halloween party so this year instead of taking just a bag of sweets or chocolates, I thought I would make some fun Halloween treat bags for all the kids.  While I don’t like the really scary Halloween stuff, I love a more playful take on the whole ghosts, ghouls and spookiness.  So with that in mind I thought about making mini witches hats that would hold a few small treats.  Here it is – my mini witches hats DIY Halloween treat bags:

What you’ll need:
black origami paper (One sheet per hat) – try and get double sided although I couldn’t find these
orange coloured card paper
mini treats to fill the hats

I made these witches hats using an origami tutorial which you can find here.  At first it seemed a bit challenging but after making 2 or 3 , it became really easy so stick with it.  Make as many hats as you want and then take your orange card and cut out circles of 6.5cms diameter.  

Now fill your hats with mini treats – I used little round chocolates which proved a bit tricky as they were rolling all over the place.  It would be easier to fill them with a small bag of chocolates or sweets.  This will also help to hold the shape of the hat.  Finally glue the orange circles to the base of the hats and you’ve got your witches hat treat bags.  Don’t they look fun?  

DIY witches hat halloween treat boxes

Once you’ve made a load, you could also use the mini hats as decorations for a Halloween party – they’d look great dotted around a halloween party table table.  

P.S. You might like this collection of fun Halloween party decorations too.

"unusual halloween costume kids"This week’s picks for mama and baby… this Halloween, let mama make these bone shaped meringues while baby wears that fashion icon inspired Halloween costume.

Happy Halloween!

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