I never considered myself a DIY’er or a crafter but since I started some crafts for this blog a while ago, I can’t seem to stop. It’s so addictive. My latest crafting obsession is making stuff with home bake clay. Oh the possibilities! My first DIY clay project was making clay necklace pendants for kids. We chose moon and star shaped pendants but you could go any any shape you like. Here’s what we did:
Entries Tagged as 'handmade gifts'
DIY making clay necklace pendants
March 8, 2016
DIY pom pom hair clips
February 2, 2016
I was recently gifted a pom pom maker and I can’t even begin to tell you how many pom poms I’ve made. I thought it was about time I did something with them and so here is my first pom pom DIY that I want to share with you. These DIY pom pom hair clips are so easy to make and so pretty! I’ve made so many that I’ve started gifting them too and they’ve been really fun little handmade presents to give to Anya’s friends. I’m also loving the idea of using these as pretty little party bag treats.
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