Entries Tagged as 'improve'

new years resolutions for kidsDo you encourage your kids make new years resolutions?  I’ve started making resolutions throughout the year whenever I feel I need to make a change but there is something special and a feeling of a fresh start that only a new year brings. I especially love making them at this time of year and have been thinking about encouraging Anya to do the same.

Last year we talked to her about making new years resolutions and while she liked the idea, she struggled to come up with what resolutions to make.  I’ve since realised that she’s a bit too young to come up with resolutions herself so this year I’ve decided to give her some prompts which will help.  I’ve come up with a list of 10 questions and prompts which I plan to give her and see what she comes up with.  I thought I would share them here in case they inspire you to do the same with your kids.  So here are my ideas for new years resolutions for kids:

new years resolution kids worksheet

What I especially like about resolutions is that it allows you to take a little time out and think about yourself – what you like about yourself and what you feel you can improve on.  For me, resolutions aren’t just about changing the bad but also a lot about doing more of what you are good at or love.  They’re about broadening your horizon’s and living a more fulfilled life.  So are you going to be making resolutions?  And will you encourage your kids to?

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