1. bubble bath princess… 2. ninja… 3. hippie chic(k)… 4. little red riding hood… 5. aviator… 6. beekeeper & bee
Halloween for me is all about dressing up in something a bit unusual and preferably a DIY job. I don’t really go for the whole witches, ghosts and ghouls thing but much prefer something a bit different minus any of the spookiness. So when I received a quirky and alternative outfit from American Apparel {for my daughter of course}, I was delighted. I went on to American Apparel’s site to see what other costumes they had on offer and found a whole load of DIY imaginative, fun and original costumes for adults and kids. I realised that American Apparel are known for their Halloween outfits and each year create some absolute winners. I picked out some of the kids outfits I liked best and I have to say I love the ‘bubble bath princess’. What a great alternative to a regular princess outfit which I’m not keen on at all. Of course I had to photograph my daughter in her outfit… can you guess which one she is? She’s the ‘hippie chic(k)’! If you’ve still got an outfit to put together then visit American Apparel where you’ll find loads of inspiration or bookmark them for next year. Happy Halloween!
P.S. What are your kids going as? Anyone got a really quirky costume idea?