Entries Tagged as 'kids room decorations'

When thinking about updating a kids room, you don’t always have to start from scratch.  There are lots of easy ways to add a fresh look without completely re-decorating and turning it in to a mammoth project.  One of my favourite ways to easily refresh a child’s room is turning the wardrobe in to a feature piece.  Wardrobes are one of the largest pieces of furniture in most bedrooms including kids rooms.  So instead of looking at them as boring must-haves, I love the idea of using the the wardrobe fronts as a space to be creative.  With a little bit of imagination, wardrobes can become a really fun feature piece in a kids bedroom.

Here are 5 fun ways to add a some personality to any wardrobe:

"ways to update an old wardrobe"

1.  A quick and easy, yet striking way to make your wardrobe feel very much a part of the room is to paint it the same colour as the wall.  This gives quite a dramatic look and works especially well with bold colours as opposed to whites or creams.

2.  Instead of creating a feature wall, turn your kids wardrobe in to one.  Wallpaper the doors in colours and styles that match the rest of the room decor.  As the image shows, using different but complimentary wallpapers is a good idea to keep it looking interesting.  I’m loving the vintage wallpaper look so much that I’m tempted to try it myself.

"how to customise your wardrobe"

3.  Wall stickers aren’t just for walls.  They a great option for almost anywhere including adding some fun to a wardrobe.  A simple white wardrobe can be transformed in to something unique.  And the best part of using stickers is that you can easily change the look as often as you like. Instead of stickers, for a really personal touch, you could even stick your child’s artworks on to the wardrobe doors making a little gallery space.

"how to update old wardrobes"

4.  This is such a great idea.  Paint the doors in chalkboard paint and your kids have a blank canvas.  Each day they can create a new master piece, rub it out and start again the next day.  And I’m sure this huge canvas will be a hit when your kids have friends over too.

5.  For a subtler look, wallpaper the inside of a wardrobe in a bold print or pattern so you can only see the splash of colour when the wardrobe doors are open.  You could also go one step further and paint the wardrobe in a complimentary colour or just stick with white for a more understated feel.

There are lots of ways to add your own personal touch to your kids room.  I especially like the idea of customising furniture because it means that you can bring an old piece back to life or you can buy an inexpensive piece of bedroom furniture from places like Homebase and give it your own creative touch.  It’s a fun project to let your kids get involved in and the best part is, it’s not permanent so you can change the look as often as you like.

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Image credits: 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5.

A rabbit and a lion…

August 14, 2013

"wall mounted paper animal head rabbit""DIY wall mounted animal head lion"Wall mounted animal heads seem to have become all the rage for kids rooms.  In recent months I have seen so many animal heads from cloth ones to clay ones and everything in between.  Some look quite sinister to me while others look too cutesy.  I really can’t decide whether I like this trend or not but there is one exception – these animal heads made purely from paper.  Neither cutesy nor sinister, I like that they are just graphic forms of animals in pretty colours and most importantly I like that there are no eyes staring at you (that just creeps me out!).  The bunny ones are so cute for a nursery and you can buy them from Chloe Fleury’s shop while the lion one is very cool and is a DIY project by Lille Nord.

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