Entries Tagged as 'lighting ideas'

Have you discovered my steal the look series yet?  In this series I share really cool, unusual and clever decor ideas that are easy to steal and re-create in your own home.  The last one I shared was a useful and really clever Ikea hack.  Today it’s about thinking outside the box with your lighting.

multi hanging pendant lights

How cool are these pendant lights?  A cluster of different light shades hanging from the ceiling with different coloured cords. How original is that?  Cluster pendent lights are a big trend at the moment but usually you see 3 or 4 of exactly the same light.  Not only does this idea use different (yet complementary) shades but they take it a step further with the colourful cords.  Such a playful and fun idea for a kids room. Even if you played with just two colours, it would be very eye-catching.

Continue Reading "Steal the look: Cluster of colourful pendant lights"

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