As a kid, did you ever give out little cards to your friends on Valentines day? I did and it was just as fun to make the cards as it was to give them out. With Valentines day less than 3 weeks away, I thought you might like this sweet DIY love arrow kit that I came across. The kit contains everything you need to make 10 arrows with messages attached, the only extras you will use are scissors and glue. Kids around 6 and over will be able to do this craft all by themselves and when they’re done they can add a personal message to each arrow.
I’m so not in to the whole commercial side of Valentines day but I like the sentiment behind the day. Doing a special DIY craft with the kids is a simple and sweet way to mark the day and perhaps follow that with a special family meal at home. This love arrow kit is such a pretty DIY and a lot more unusual than giving out cards. You’ll find the kit at Clafoutis (a lovely little party shop) who made it in collaboration with La maison de Loulou where you’ll find lots more beautiful DIY’s.