Entries Tagged as 'make your own dolls'

how to make worry dolls for kids

Do you know what worry dolls are?  I hadn’t heard of them until a few weeks ago when Anya came home from school insisting that she needed a worry doll.  I googled it and found out that worry dolls come from Guatemala and that they are tiny dolls that fit comfortably in the palm of a child’s hand. These tiny dolls are made to take away a child’s worries.  Whenever your child has a worry, they can take the worry doll to bed with them, tell the doll their worry and place the doll under their pillow.  The next morning the worries are gone because they have been taken away by the doll.  Worry dolls are especially for kids but adults can use them too. I loved the idea so much – what a sweet and simple way to help your child with their worries.

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