Entries Tagged as 'pinstagram'

"print your instagram photos"

… and keep them forever.  This year I’ve decided to get better at actually printing my photos.  There’s no point taking a load of pictures that end up stuck on a hard drive somewhere or on your phone or social networks.  There’s something much more special about holding your pictures.  And with all the creative printing options on offer, there really isn’t any excuse.  I recently found Pinstagr.am and it’s the perfect way to print all your instagram photos, especially if you use instagram a lot.  I love the teeny little books they offer as well as the stickers of your instagram photos but there are loads more fun products.  Apart from keeping memories for myself, I think they’d make inexpensive little gifts for my mum, brother and other close family who don’t live in this country so feel they’re missing out on Anya growing up.  Pinstagr.am are US based but they offer a reasonable worldwide flat shipping rate. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

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