Who doesn’t love a delicious garlic prawns recipe? While I love garlic prawns on their own, I wanted to turn the dish into a one pot meal and so I decided to combine it with rice and veggies. The result was this garlic, prawn, rice and broccoli dish that is all kinds of yummy and so easy to make for a quick mid-week one pot meal.
Entries Tagged as 'quick family meals'
One pot garlic prawn rice with broccoli
June 6, 2016
Easy pasta with pesto spinach and pancetta
April 26, 2016
At the moment I am so in to one pot meals especially during the week. Because of other stuff happening in life, I have less time to cook. But I still like a delicious family meal at the end of the day. So one pot meals are the answer for me. Pasta is one the best one pot meals because it lends itself to so many flavours and ingredients. This is one of my favourite easy, quick and yummy mid-week pasta dishes that my entire family enjoys (fussy kid included) and I don’t spend hours slaving or prepping over.
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Easy homemade pizza three ways
June 25, 2014
Fresh pizza is a firm favourite in this home. My husband Richard is a very keen cook and makes the most amazing pizza’s from scratch. Until recently, pizza was only ever a weekend treat because as much as I like cooking, making bread of any kind is beyond me and he of course is at work in the week. But recently I spotted some frozen pizza dough at Waitrose and I couldn’t wait to try it. Pizza is something we all enjoy including Anya and it’s so popular with her friends too when they come over for play dates. So I saw this as my opportunity to make fresh pizza anytime I wanted but without the hassle of making the dough.
Apart from the fact that homemade pizza tastes far better than shop bought, it also allows you to be as creative and varied as you like with the toppings and everybody can have different toppings without much extra effort. So when I tried out this new frozen dough last week, I decided to go for a basic margherita for Anya (it’s her favourite) and chose some grown-up, no tomato sauce versions for me and Richard.
Easy chicken curry recipe
February 26, 2014
Chicken curry is to most (non-veg) Indian households what shepherds pie probably is to British households – a tasty meal that appears on the menu nearly every week and one that the whole family can enjoy. Each household has their very own version of this delicious curry and today I wanted to share mine. It’s easy, doesn’t need too many ingredients but still has lots of flavour and most importantly everybody eats it including my fussy 5 year old!
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