Entries Tagged as 'storage cases'

"Zolima suitcases and bags"

"zolima storage suitcases"

"Zolima storage suitcases for kids"

The colours, the prints, the designs of the Orient have always inspired me for their richness and their almost magical qualities.  If you’re a regular here, you’ll know how much I also love the style of the Frenchies.  So when I discovered Zolima I was more than a bit excited.  Zolima combines the beauty of French style with the magic of the Orient to create sumptuous goodies for kids but ones that will so appeal to mama’s too.  They make storage cases, suitcases, little bags and purses as well as clothes, mostly for the girlies but there are some for the boys too. 

I like all of Zolima’s goodies but it’s the bright coloured suitcases that I’m seriously lusting after.  They are so pretty, so girly.  They come in different sizes and can be used for travel.  But when you’re back home, you’re not going to want to hide these beauties away.  Use them as creative storage for dolls, toys, books or anything else.  Check out Pivoine et Tapioca who have the whole range.

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