I think I might be a little bit obsessed with these sunsuits and playsuits… how sweet are they? Made by wolfechild in Brooklyn, New York, these little clothes just scream cuteness. That red and blue vintage floral print one is my favourite because it’s such a happy piece. Wolfechild only have a small range of clothes mostly for babies up to 2 years but each piece is quite beautiful.
Yesterday my daughter had a play date with another little girl and they got hooked on the colour green. The two girls kept saying ‘green’ louder and louder and then bursting in to fits of laughter. They then started adding an extra word and coming up with things like ‘green toast’, ‘green dog’… the idea being to pair it with something that most definitely isn’t green. This produced more laughter and eventually the inevitable bathroom humour ensued followed by the loudest giggles ever! I don’t know how 4 year old minds work but I do know this little game tickled them pink! While I didn’t take part in the game, it did get me thinking of the colour green and I realised I’d never done a green post. I always think that green isn’t a colour I’m naturally drawn to but then again there are so many shades of it that there really is a green for everyone (my personal favourite is mint green) and so I thought it would be fun to look for a few things in different shades of green and here’s what I found:
I love yellow! It’s such a happy colour, don’t you think? It’s probably my favourite colour especially for kids and babies. And since the sun has graced us with it’s presence after months, I thought it was time to do a yellow post. Here’s what I currently love for a happy, sunny summer:
Ebabee Likes is a style guide for babies, kids, teens and their mamas. It’s all about inspiration, ideas and indulging yourself and your brood. It’s written by me ~ Nomita ~ a style loving girl from Mumbai who now live’s in London. Read More...