Entries Tagged as 'superhero capes'


Anya loves dressing up.  Like any 5 year old girl she is very in to the whole Disney princess thing but I’m relieved that she is equally keen to dress up as a pirate or a witch or her latest obsession of being a superhero.  That’s why she was delighted when she received this cute bunny superhero t-shirt with attached cape.  Of course she wanted to try it out immediately and we thought that it would be even more fun if we went the whole hog – with mask and tights and all.

"superhero tshirt for kids""superhero cape tshirt"

With the caped t-shirt on and the mask painted, Anya took her superhero role very seriously!  Running through the park, jumping off wooden poles and even pretending to fly.

"superehro outfits for girls"

Being a girl superhero, Anya of course had to stop to collect daisies.   That’s what I love about these t-shirts by Le Macchinine Design – they’re great for boy or girl and they’re so comfy too.  So even though they can be for dressing up, they’re perfect everyday wear too.  We got the bunny one but there are cool foxes, lions and owls too.  It’s such a sweet and simple idea to attach a cape to a t-shirt and once worn, Anya took on a completely new persona.  I love clothes like these that encourage pretend play and allow a kids imagination to fly.

"superhero dress up costume""superhero tshirt unisex"

While superheroes always save the day, every once in a while, even they need a helping hand from their daddys! 

{photos by ebabee}

I’ve linked up to honest mum’s brilliant blog posts.

"clown outfit for babies"I’m not a big fan of adult fancy dress parties.  I find them a bit of a hassle but even more than that I guess if I’m honest I hate being told what to wear.  But when it comes to kids fancy dress parties, I feel very differently.  I never go out and buy a ready made costume because where’s the fun in that?  Instead I love the challenge of putting together an outfit from my daughters existing wardrobe using a little bit of creativity and the help of a few accessories from her dressing up box.  So when I came across Korean photographer Dong Sun Choo’s work on the Waddler blog, I had to find out more."fancy dress for babies"I discovered that Dong Sun Choo gets clothes from some of my favourite brands like Oeuf NYC, Wovenplay, Waddler and adds accessories from Udder, Kate Davey and many others to create fun little fancy dress outfits.  He then dresses babies and little kids in these clothes and photographs them.  Apart from the cute overload, I love the little outfits and some of the expressions he captures.  One of my favourites is the adorable baby clown but I also love that over-sized stripey tail on that little baby boy.  To see lots more photos head over to Dong Sun Choo’s blog.

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