Entries Tagged as 'toddler room storage'

Stylish storage…

January 8, 2013

"toy storage sacks"

My daughters birthday is in December, just a couple of short weeks before Christmas.  That means come December we have an overload of new toys, games, books, clothes… the works!  For the first time this past December we had a proper birthday party for her which meant even more stuff.  Come the new year I seriously feel like her things have increased 10-fold.  While the big things always find a home, it’s the little bits and pieces that cause the problems and the mess.  Apart from giving a load of stuff to charity, I’m always on the look out for new storage solutions and when I last went looking, I found these super stylish storage sacks by Varpunen.  They come in 3 different sizes which are perfect for storing small and medium sized toys and besides they look great.  I love their geometric patterns; some subtle some bold but all cool and classy.  I’m loving the idea of having 3 or 4 of these lined up holding a range of different toys.  Of course these Varpunen storage sacks aren’t just for kids, they’d be equally at home in an adult space keeping your things tidy.

Cool knitted cabinets

March 30, 2012

"portable knitted cabinet"

I am loving these knitted cabinets… how cool are they?!  And they not only look amazing but they’re portable too.  They can work in any kiddy or adult space but I’m especially loving it for a baby and toddler room.  The cabinet can be placed on the legs or on the floor so making it accessible for small hands too.  You can store all manner of things from toys to books to clothes for the bambino.  I’m picturing a rustic, bohemian chic nursery with lots of vintage touches and one of these cabinets to finish off the look.

"knitted cabinet for a nursery"

These knitted cabinets are designed by Beril Cicek, a young Turkish designer.  She focuses on hand made products using natural materials especially wood.  To find out more about these gorgeous cabinets visit Beril’s site.

* Via Cirkus ** Image 3 via Elle

"kids room soft toy storage ideas"

"vintage suitcases for nursery storage"

"unusual baby clothes storage ideas"

Since I started writing this blog, I’ve come across so many beautiful nurseries and kids rooms.  Each one is unique, individual and has been designed by the mama (or papa) in question with bags of creativity and love.  So I thought I would start sharing some of my lovely finds.  Today I’ve picked 3 simple nursery storage ideas that I love.  These 3 ideas are for small storage and show how, with a little imagination, you can make a real feature of stuff that you would probably otherwise have to find a storage space for:

1.  Inexpensive wire planters hung on a wall to store and display soft toys.  It looks amazing, the toys can be seen and it adds real style to the room.  This is the creation of a Texan mama called James (yes, a mama – see her blog for an explanation) who blogs at Blue Bird Vintage.

2.  Vintage suitcases look super cool, you can often pick them up for pennies at a flea market and they make very useful storage boxes.  I love how they’ve been used to keep the babies books tidy and besides looking chic, the books are easy to reach for little kids.  This is part of a delightful room created by an Aussie mama who blogs at One Claire Day.*

3.  Instead of a chunky wardrobe this is a wonderful and stylish way to store clothes.  They look stunning hung on this rustic, minimal, eco-friendly hanger.  Perfect for when space is tight but I would choose this even otherwise as it’s such a great feature for a room.  I found this at a blog called French by Design.

P.S. If you’ve still got all your Christmas shopping to do (like me!) have a look at our Christmas gift guide… it might just help! x

* Via Ohdeedoh

"star cushions and toy storage buckets"

Yesterday I was browsing the latest collection at Caramel Baby and Child when I spotted these cool cushions and toy storage bucket bags.  I discovered that these gorgeous silk printed goodies are made by Ah Quel Plaisir, started by Belgian born Caroline Halusiak. The toy storage buckets are made of canvas and embellished with beautiful animal prints in soft tones.  They come in 3 sizes but all are on the small side so they’re just the ticket for small toy storage.  The star and cloud shaped cushions are stylish, fun and playful, the perfect combo for kid’s room decor.   The cushions and bucket bags cost around £45 each from Caramel’s shop.

"Zolima suitcases and bags"

"zolima storage suitcases"

"Zolima storage suitcases for kids"

The colours, the prints, the designs of the Orient have always inspired me for their richness and their almost magical qualities.  If you’re a regular here, you’ll know how much I also love the style of the Frenchies.  So when I discovered Zolima I was more than a bit excited.  Zolima combines the beauty of French style with the magic of the Orient to create sumptuous goodies for kids but ones that will so appeal to mama’s too.  They make storage cases, suitcases, little bags and purses as well as clothes, mostly for the girlies but there are some for the boys too. 

I like all of Zolima’s goodies but it’s the bright coloured suitcases that I’m seriously lusting after.  They are so pretty, so girly.  They come in different sizes and can be used for travel.  But when you’re back home, you’re not going to want to hide these beauties away.  Use them as creative storage for dolls, toys, books or anything else.  Check out Pivoine et Tapioca who have the whole range.

"small toys storage shelf"

What a cool way to store and display all your bambino’s mini junk treasures.  Lets face it, these kind of little, tiny toys seem to multiply faster than rabbits.  They get under your feet, in the washing machine, under sofa cushions, in your boots (yup, that hurts)… it can feel like an invasion of plastic pests.  I can’t think of anything better than making a feature of them.  And these simple white floor to ceiling shelves do just that.  Lot’s of little colourful toys lined up against the clean white look super cool and very stylish.  To add even more pizazz to your display, stick some lights in the shelves.

This creative toy storage shelf is from a very cool home in Perth, Australia.  The mama and papa in question have created a home that looks super hot but still functions as a family home for them and their 2 bambino’s.  To see more pictures of their beautiful space head to lmnop, an Aussie kids magazine brimming with fun ideas and lots of happy style finds.

Photographed by: Ian Macpherson

"muskhane storage nest"I never knew storage could get me this excited.  But ‘jump up and down’ excited I am.  These felt storage baskets are just so pretty!  I’m calling them storage baskets but they’re really they’re storage nests made of felt.  I’m loving the soft but striking colours on offer and then there’s the little bird detail…  oh so pretty!  The hanging nest would make a fabby addition to a nursery and a cool place to store the kidlets night clothes or anything else you fancy.  Storage that doesn’t look like storage has definitely got my vote.  Made by the French company called Muskhane, the hanging storage nest costs €39 from ilodeco but delivery’s rather steep at €16.50.  You could also try Bobokids in London who have a selection.  Bobokids aren’t online yet but there’s always the good ol’ telephone!

Don’t forget to checkout ebabee, our little baby auction site.

"Rice storage basket for kids"

Oooh… the girly girl in me has jumped out and is dancing a jig of joy.  I’m loving these baskets perfect for storing oh so many, many things.  They come as a set of 2 with the larger one measuring 42cms x 10cms.  The colours on offer are glorious fuchsia or deep aubergine as pictured, and are perfectly complemented by the super-bright crochet flowers.  They can be used to store all manner of toys or clothes for the kiddies, but I’m thinking stack’em high with Christmas crackers or use for smaller Christmas gifts first and keep them on display.  Then in the new year, adorn your girlie’s room with these.  These raffia storage baskets are by Rice and cost £44 for the pair plus £4.95 delivery.

If, like me, you love pretty storage checkout these hanging storage nests. They’re cuties!

"Lego storage boxes"

How cool are these?!  Giant lego storage boxes that click together exactly like lego (they’re made under license from Lego).  They’d look great under a bed or cot bed or just stacked up high in a toddlers room. They’re not yet available but I hear that they will be very soon.  They come in 2 sizes and in many colours including red, yellow, dark green, white, fuchsia pink and more.  The medium one costs £17 and the large costs £26 with delivery at £5.95 from A place for everything.

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