I love shiny stuff. Be it bags or shoes or copper pans, as long as it shines I’ll be drawn to it like a bee to honey. So naturally these super shiny vinyl pencil cases by Bakker Made with Love score top marks in my book. The colours are so bold they almost pop through the screen. All the more reason to covet these pencil cases. But if colour’s not your thing, they also have a shiny black pencil case as well as a brown one. If you feel as partial to them as I do, you might want to check out the matching Bakker Made with Love school bags. They too are delectable and the pair would make quite the style kit for the new school year. These Bakker pencil cases can be found at Smallable for £9.68 each plus shipping at around a fiver to Europe but they ship worldwide too. I’m fancying one for me too… you’re never too old for a pencil case, are you?