Do your kids constantly ask to play board games? In our home Anya loves to play games. If I agreed to it, she would have me playing from morning to night. I normally enjoy playing with her, that is until she loses. Then it’s tears and grumpiness and everything that all five year olds do when they don’t win. But I can’t blame her too much because I still don’t like losing! Who does? Games also make fun birthday gifts especially when you don’t know the child too well so recently while searching for a gift I came across these adorable games. So cute aren’t they? With bright colours and cute illustrations most of these handmade games are small so they’re perfect at home or on the go too.
Entries Tagged as 'board games'
Cute games on the go!
October 1, 2014
Games on the go!
July 15, 2014
With the Summer holidays coming up and all the traveling many of us have planned, I wanted to share these fabulous portable travel board games with you. Apart from being beautiful to look at, the best part of these games is that the board is made of fabric and doubles up as the bag to store all the wooden counters. What a clever and practical idea especially for taking on long road trips or even plane and train journeys. A French creation, these games include checkers, chess and tic tac toe. Recently, they have also introduced some colourful card games that are just as easy to take on your travels. Anything that makes long journeys easier has to be a good thing! These board games are available in many countries and you can see all the stockists here.
Beautiful board games
May 28, 2014
In the UK, we’re on half term school holidays this week and after having a glorious week of sunshine last week, this week is rain, rain and more rain. So we’re inside more than out and one of our favourite indoor activities is board games. We’ve been playing all our old favourites like checkers and snakes & ladders but I love finding new games to play too. So I went looking and came across these beautiful board games from Hungary. Inspired by the magical world of fairy tales and the vivid imagination of a child, these games are beautifully illustrated in great detail. Mostly made by hand, these games are made to last through generations. Even the counters aren’t the usual plastic pieces but instead the bases are made of wood and they come with detailed drawings on cardboard that slot in to the bases. These captivating board games are made by Marbushka who only have retailers in Hungary but they ship worldwide.
DIY checkers game
March 12, 2014
I love a good board game and always have ever since I was little. It does bring out my competitive side but that’s all part of the fun. As Anya is getting older, she is getting more and more in to board games and so we often spend an entire afternoon playing game after game. But she’s not the best loser but we’re working on this and hoping she will learn to try harder or at least be a better loser! Our latest obsession is this DIY game of checkers created by Marie-Laure of La Maison de Loulou especially for my readers.
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