Entries Tagged as 'customise your furniture'

Shelves are such a practical way of storing stuff and you can’t ever have enough of them.  You really don’t need to spend a packet on them either – there are plenty of very cheap and basic shelves out there.  But just because they’re basic doesn’t mean they have to be boring.  With a little imagination even the most basic of shelves can become features in any room but I especially love getting creative with shelves in a kids room. So here are five cool shelf ideas for a kids room that you can re-create using shelves bought from ikea. Each of these shelf spaces is unique and can be customised to your needs and tastes:

modern wall shelf ideas for kids room

This is such a cool shelf space for a kids room.  It makes a simple but striking feature wall while still providing good storage.  You can create similar using the ikea forhoja kitchen storage units.  All you need is a few of these storage boxes and a large piece of ply.  I like the natural wood look but you could also customise as much as you want using paint, wall stickers or wallpaper.

ikea hack bookcase

Backless shelves on a wallpapered wall look so stylish.  You can easily get this look with ikea’s ever popular billy bookcase by simply leaving out the back – I did this in my last home and it worked really well.  Add some colourful toys and artwork around the shelves and you’ve got a completely unique looking bookcase or shelf.

customize ikea furniture

In this shared boys room, those box shelves in various sizes and shades of green look great on the wall. Instead of being boring boxes, they’ve been turned in to a feature because of the unusual layout, the colours and also using a mix of open and closed shelves.  You can get the same look using ikea’s valje wall cabinets.  Paint them in any colour, combine a mix of square and rectangular and a mix of open and closed. They’ll end up looking custom made. 

creative organizing ideas for kids rooms

How pretty are these shelves?  I love the touch of pastel blue that has really made them look special.  Using ikea’s bekvan spice rack, you can create a similar look.  You don’t have to stick to the idea above, you could paint the whole shelf or you could go for two colours – whatever works for your kids room.   And for more storage, create a floor to ceiling wall of these gorgeous shelves. 

creative kids toy storage ideas

All shelves don’t have to be made of straight lines like this picture above shows us.  What a creative way of storing soft toys.  It adds so much charm to the room.  You can do similar with these ikea sinnerlig baskets. I’ve got one of these baskets which I love so I’m planning to get more and do this in Anya’s new room.  It’s a great way of making a feature of her soft toys while having a place to store them too.   And of course it saves floor space too especially useful in a small room. 

Image credits: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

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