Entries Tagged as 'halloween'

DIY halloween treat bags

I’m so glad that Halloween is becoming more and more of a thing here in the UK and especially London.  If you have kids, what’s not to love about Halloween?  Anya loves the whole dressing up and trick or treating thing as so do all her little friends.  Sometimes the child in me feels so tempted to wear a costume and do the whole trick or treating with them – should I?  The other thing to love about Halloween is all the treats and candy.  Last year Anya came back with a haul so big, she couldn’t quite believe her eyes – I don’t think she had ever seen so much candy in her life!

DIY halloween treat bags for kids

Each year we are invited to a Halloween party so this year instead of taking just a bag of sweets or chocolates, I thought I would make some fun Halloween treat bags for all the kids.  While I don’t like the really scary Halloween stuff, I love a more playful take on the whole ghosts, ghouls and spookiness.  So with that in mind I thought about making mini witches hats that would hold a few small treats.  Here it is – my mini witches hats DIY Halloween treat bags:

What you’ll need:
black origami paper (One sheet per hat) – try and get double sided although I couldn’t find these
orange coloured card paper
mini treats to fill the hats

I made these witches hats using an origami tutorial which you can find here.  At first it seemed a bit challenging but after making 2 or 3 , it became really easy so stick with it.  Make as many hats as you want and then take your orange card and cut out circles of 6.5cms diameter.  

Now fill your hats with mini treats – I used little round chocolates which proved a bit tricky as they were rolling all over the place.  It would be easier to fill them with a small bag of chocolates or sweets.  This will also help to hold the shape of the hat.  Finally glue the orange circles to the base of the hats and you’ve got your witches hat treat bags.  Don’t they look fun?  

DIY witches hat halloween treat boxes

Once you’ve made a load, you could also use the mini hats as decorations for a Halloween party – they’d look great dotted around a halloween party table table.  

P.S. You might like this collection of fun Halloween party decorations too.


Happy Halloween!  After trying a whole load of outfits, in the end Anya decided on being a cat or a cat girl.  The outfit was really easy to put together so if you’re still looking for a last minute costume idea, this is the one to go for. 

"halloween cat DIY outfit"

To put this cat outfit together, all you need is charcoal or black tights and top (Anya wears a super soft charcoal polo neck sweater) or you can even go for any other dark colour like chocolate brown or navy.  Next cut some ears from card paper, paint them black and I have attached with simple bobby pins.  Then you need a mask which I have painted on with face paint or you make one from card paper.  Last, take a piece of black fabric or whatever colour your outfit is and roll it up to look like a tail.  You could use anything you have at home like a scarf or any piece of fabric.  And finally attach on to tights with a safety pin. Done! So what are your kids going as? I’d love to hear in the comments.

Have a very Happy Halloween!

"best halloween party decorations"

Are you having a Halloween party?  They seem to be getting more and more popular in the UK and while I’ve never had one, we’ve been invited to one every year for the last four years.  Next year I am determined to throw my own party as I’m feeling so inspired by all the DIY Halloween party decorations out there.  If you’re having a party or even if you just want to decorate your home for the kids, here are nine of the best DIY Halloween party decorations that are easy to put together in a short time and once done, your home will look pretty spooky but in a fun way.  No blood and gore here as that just creeps me out!  Most of these decorations are easy enough for the kids to get involved in so they will make fun half-term crafts too.  Happy Halloween!

1. Black bat stickers | 2. Witch hat cupcake toppers | 3. Hanging spider balloons | 4. Halloween paper plates | 5. Balloon ghosts on a stick | 6. Halloween puppets | 7. Free printable Boo glasses | 8. Free printable cobweb paper | 9. Crepe paper ghost garland

P.S. Have you checked out the ebabee shop yet?


I’ve never been a fan of face painting until I had a go myself.  I love it now – it’s such a satisfying thing to do. Who would have ever thought!  Have you tried it?  But I’m still not in to the versions where the whole face is painted or designs with lots of glitter and swirls – you know the kind I mean.  Keeping it simple with one or two colours is my favourite way. 

So with Halloween coming up I’ve been asking Anya what she would like to go as.  Her latest obsession is pandas possibly because she has recently been given a panda soft toy.  So this week the choice was panda and I quite liked that it was something other than witches, ghouls and ghosts.  With Halloween costumes again, the simpler the better for me and I prefer the homemade kind rather than shop bought.  So armed with my face painting set,  I thought I’d have a quick trial run at transforming her in to a panda.  She was really happy with the look and may go as that to her Halloween party on Friday.  It’s far from perfect but that’s what I like about it and I think it’s pretty panda-ish don’t you?  Although Richard’s first comment as he walked through the door was ‘who’s that? Alice Cooper?!’

Have a great weekend full of silly fun!

P.S. Have you seen our all new shop?  It’s full of adorable clothes for girls and boys that you won’t find anywhere else in the UK.

"cape and mask sets for kids"

Even though Halloween is not as big here in the UK as it is in the US, it’s becoming more and more popular.  If I had to pick a celebration that Anya loves above all else it would be Halloween.  She even prefers it to Christmas.  I guess it’s the whole dressing up thing that makes it so exciting and also going out after dark to collect sweeties is such a treat for a kid.  I’ve been looking around for some fun costumes and I really liked these simple cape and masks sets that I came across.  As far as Halloween costumes go I prefer simpler stuff and stuff that can be re-used as part of dressing up play.  These capes and masks are all handmade in cotton and are perfect for boy or girl.  That little crown is so cute too.  Anya hasn’t yet decided what she wants to dress up as this year but I’m hoping it will be something simple.  What are your kids dressing up as?

P.S. Did you know that we have launched our very own kids clothing store?

"unusual halloween costume kids"This week’s picks for mama and baby… this Halloween, let mama make these bone shaped meringues while baby wears that fashion icon inspired Halloween costume.

Happy Halloween!

"pumpkin decorating ideas for kids"These party animal pumpkins are probably the coolest decorated pumpkins I’ve seen!  "easy pumpkin decorating ideas"These Disney inspired pumpkins are very easy to make but can you guess the characters? "no carve pumpkin decorating"These bejeweled pumpkins would be great for adding a bit of bling to your Halloween table. "DIY donut pumpkin decorating"These DIY donut pumpkins look good enough to eat, don’t you think?

•party animal pumpkins via handmade charlotte

Happy Halloween…

October 31, 2012

"kids unusual halloween costumes"

1. bubble bath princess… 2. ninja… 3. hippie chic(k)… 4. little red riding hood… 5. aviator… 6. beekeeper & bee

Halloween for me is all about dressing up in something a bit unusual and preferably a DIY job.  I don’t really go for the whole witches, ghosts and ghouls thing but much prefer something a bit different minus any of the spookiness.  So when I received a quirky and alternative outfit from American Apparel {for my daughter of course}, I was delighted.  I went on to American Apparel’s site to see what other costumes they had on offer and found a whole load of DIY imaginative, fun and original costumes for adults and kids.  I realised that American Apparel are known for their Halloween outfits and each year create some absolute winners.  I picked out some of the kids outfits I liked best and I have to say I love the ‘bubble bath princess’.  What a great alternative to a regular princess outfit which I’m not keen on at all.  Of course I had to photograph my daughter in her outfit… can you guess which one she is?  She’s the ‘hippie chic(k)’!  If you’ve still got an outfit to put together then visit American Apparel where you’ll find loads of inspiration or bookmark them for next year.  Happy Halloween!

P.S. What are your kids going as?  Anyone got a really quirky costume idea?

"halloween giveaway competition"

Are you a Halloween lover or hater?  I used to love it as a kid and now I love it because of my kid, who this year is old enough to get it, and is so, so excited about buying a pumpkin.  I’m not crazy about the whole spooky and creepy crawly side of it but that doesn’t really matter as there are so many creative ways to celebrate Halloween without a bat in sight!  This year I wanted to do something a little special to celebrate Halloween with you and I found the perfect opportunity with Room Cph who have kindly agreed to give away these Lego Halloween storage heads.  You’ll find all the details of how to enter at the end of this post.

Room Cph are a Danish design house who work with cool brands like Lego and Pantone Universe by taking their existing products and putting a new, highly creative spin on them.  It was Room Cph that designed the Lego storage and lunch boxes (in close collaboration with Lego) that have become quite the Lego design icon.  Now they’ve introduced their latest creations which are these two Halloween themed Lego storage heads – a pumpkin head and a skeleton head that I’m giving away.  They also sent my daughter one of the brick storage boxes in fuchsia and she’s already filled it to the brim with all her little treasures (read junk).  But I’d much rather it in the box than strewn all over the house getting under my feet!

Lego is one of those brands that I think everybody has a soft spot for.  It was around long before I was born and I know it will be around when I have grand kids.  That’s some going!  So if you fancy a bit of Halloween Lego for your kids room, enter my giveaway and you could be the lucky winner.  Happy Halloween!


One lucky reader picked at random will win both the Lego skeleton storage head and the pumpkin storage head.

For your chance to win these storage heads, just leave a comment below… easy!  Say hi or whatever you like but keep it nice!  One comment per person.  Entry is open to UK residents only for this giveaway.  The competition closes at 8am (UK time) on Halloween day (Wednesday 31st October 2012).  Any entries after this time will not be counted.  The winner will be announced on Friday November 2nd on our facebook page and on this post.  Good luck!

P.S. Feel free to share this post by clicking on the ‘facebook like’ or ‘tweet’ buttons.

*Wallpaper image via wall-library

UPDATE 02.11.12 :  This giveaway is now closed.  Thank you to everyone who entered.  The winner is Fiona Morris. Congratulations Fiona!

Hop like a bunny…

October 17, 2012

"all in one bunny romper"

With Halloween coming up there’s lots of talk about costumes and dressing up.  What are your kids going to be wearing?  If you’ve got a teeny-tiny family member then I think I may have found just the outfit in these absolutely adorable bunny all in ones.  They’re not creepy, they’re cute and of course they can be worn long after Halloween has passed.  I’m {almost} wishing I had a baby young enough for these.  I can just picture a little one toddling around with that fluffy tail sticking out behind him… cute overload!

The knitted bunny rompers and jumpers are the latest offering by Stella McCartney kids.  I love that they have the right amount of cute and quirky without being cutesy in any way.  The colours too are understated and go so well with the creamy white bunny shape and pom pom tail.  I especially love the grey which would work for baby boy or girl.  So this Halloween, let your baby do {super} cute instead of creepy.

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