Entries Tagged as 'inexpensive shoes'

kids shoes with free shipping

Did you know that 1+1 = 3?  OK, even my maths isn’t that bad but wouldn’t it be great if every time we went shopping and bought two things, we got the third free?  A delicious idea but sadly it just doesn’t happen much. That is, until now.  My go to kids shoe shop Pisamonas is offering just this.  Buy any 2 pairs of shoes and get the 3rd one free.  Yes, free! Pisamonas already offer incredible value for money with beautiful, quality kids shoes priced mostly in the £15-£30 range and all the kids shoes come with free shipping and returns.  But now they’ve gone a step further with this very special offer available from 18th Feb to 29th Feb.

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affordable shoes for kids

Are you a bag lady or a shoe lady?  Bags or shoes, shoes or bags?  I’m very much a shoe lady as my ever growing shoe collection will reveal.  And since I’ve been blessed with a little girl, well my shoe obsession has trickled down to mini shoes too.  But with mini shoes I usually have to hold back because kids feet grow so quickly; that is until I discovered Pisamonas who make the cutest and most affordable shoes for kids.

If you’ve been following my blog you’ll know that I’m a fan of Pisamonas shoes so much so that I’m proud to say I often work with them too.  Pisamonas are all about Spanish made shoes for boys and girls at incredible prices which means you can indulge in a few pairs for the kids every season and not have to restrict yourself to just one or two pairs like I used to.  Now Pisamonas are offering even better value with a sale.  Their already unbeatable prices are reduced further but just for a few days.  Because their prices are normally so low, their sales don’t last long – usually no more than a week or 10 days at most.  Here are a few of my favourites from the sale – all for under £20 (yes, under £20!).  Aren’t they pretty?  I’m loving the softer colours for Summer so that’s what I’ve picked but there are loads more styles so do check out their sale before it’s over.


kids canvas trainers cheap

I’ve been waiting patiently for the British Summer to arrive (ok not so patiently) but it seems to be coming finally!  And someone has been tormenting me for a pair of sandals.  I thought this kind of torment only started when they were 16, not six!  But I’d much rather Anya ask me for something like sandals that she really wants and will use rather than for something she wants simply because her friends have it.  I’ve had my eye on a pair that I spotted months ago but have been waiting for the right weather.  Now that it’s here I’m ordering!

cheap shoes for childrencheap good quality shoes for childrenboys canvas trainers

The sandals I’ve been coveting are the Spanish Avarcas by Pisamonas – they are so gorgeous!  Anya has  already had a pair of Pisamonas shoes before and they have been worn a fair amount and still look great.  So I know the sandals will be just as good and they are so reasonably priced that I can even splurge on two pairs – once you see the colours you’ll know why it’s hard to choose just one.  Besides those sandals they have loads more styles and another that caught my eye is a very pretty pair of flip-flop style sandals in similar colours as the Avarcas but with a bit of gold trim.  Perfect for a Summer party!

girls summer sandals affordable

I tend to favour European shoes for Anya because I find that they fit her narrow feet better and they offer such fun styles too.  I’m so glad to have discovered Pisamonas who’s shoes are all made in Spain and they are some of the most reasonably priced kids shoes I have ever come across and the prices even include free delivery.  There is lots of fun stuff for boys too including the Avarcas sandals which are regularly worn by little boys in Spain and I think they look so cool.  For the boys I also love the canvas plimsolls which come is some fresh colours for Summer and those soft suede loafers are so fun too.  So if you want some stylish European shoes for your kids this Summer then check out Pisamonas and you won’t be disappointed with the range, the colours and the incredible prices.

Here’s a short video to give you a better flavour for the shoes:

This post is brought to you in partnership with Pisamonas.  All ideas, content and words are my own.  Thank you for supporting my work with carefully selected partners that support this blog.

*I’ve linked up to Mummy’s Got Style’s fashion Friday.

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