Entries Tagged as 'inspiring stories'

It’s been a while since I’ve shared one of my inspiring story interviews.  If you’ve read the last couple, you’ll know that these interviews are all about incredibly strong women and mums who have been through a lot – often more than most go through in a lifetime –  yet stayed positive and never stopped believing.  Each of these interviews is inspiring because they show us that even though life can throw the worst things at you, you can still come out the other side.  It kind of puts our little, everyday troubles in perspective and makes me realise that they are just not worth stressing about.   Today I wanted to share Elizabeth’s story – a mum, a blogger, a business woman and a wife. Her story is a little different to the others but definitely no less inspiring.

inspiring women entrepreneurs

Tell us a few words about you.
Hi.  I’m Elizabeth, mum to a three-year-old girl and wife to a Yorkshire lad living in London.  I’m a journalist, blogger and I have my own health and beauty business too.  A huge passion of mine is travel, so much that I set up a blog to record my family adventures.  As well as spending time with my family, one of my favourite things is hanging out with my mates, a glass of fizz in hand, chackling away.  And it really IS a loud chackle particularly for someone my size ( I’m 5’1).

family with new baby

But recently there hasn’t been much to laugh about, has there?
No.  The past three years have been full of extreme highs and lows.  The biggest high being the birth of my daughter and the low being my husband’s health.  It began three years ago shortly after Paul ran his third marathon.  Over the next three months he steadily felt more and more unwell with less and less energy.  Eventually, when he could barely stand, he was admitted to hospital and we discovered he had the lowest blood count doctors had ever seen on somebody still walking.  After many tests we were told he had lymphoma- a blood cancer.  It was a huge shock.

We had never expected something as serious as cancer especially in someone so fit and young – he was 33 at the time.  When the ‘big C’ is mentioned, it strikes fear into your bones.  It was aggressive and advanced at stage four.  I was then seven and a half months pregnant.  Instead of getting excited about our new arrival, buying cots and painting the nursery, Paul was preparing to have chemotherapy.  Just weeks earlier I had been diagnosed with a fairly rare complication in pregnancy, Obstetric Cholestatis so I was also in and out of another hospital.  It was a crazy time.

After various tests, it was confirmed that Paul had non-Hodgkin lymphoma and it was treatable.  He was put onto chemotherapy very quickly and was recovering from his first round when my daughter was born. She proved to be the best distraction and looking at the positives, he got to spend an extended amount of time with her, albeit not feeling very well, but time none the less. After eight rounds of chemo it was confirmed that the cancer had gone. It was a huge relief and we started to get on with our lives with a renewed perspective and appreciation for life.

Soon after you started getting back to normal life, tell us what happened?
At the start of 2015 my husband had been feeling a bit under the weather – a cough, cold, the usual winter ailments.  We didn’t think much of it; who doesn’t get ill in the UK in winter?  He went ahead on a planned business trip to Chicago but less than 24 hours after arriving he was rushed to hospital in a critical condition.  I received the phone call nobody wants to get – he had bacterial meningitis.

His father got the first flight out there and I later found out that doctors had told him that it was unlikely Paul would make it through the night.   That night I somehow managed to get some sleep and stay positive. I told his mum he would be alright.  He had to be!  After all he had beaten cancer, surely he could beat everything else?  I was 3,000 miles away in London, not being able to see him or speak to him (he was in a coma) and I was unable to talk at length with the doctors.  When I did, they weren’t painting a very rosy picture.  He was in a critical but stable condition and the doctors had no idea how he would be affected if and when he came out of the coma as often the virus can affect the brain.

A few days later I flew to Chicago with my little girl.  It was so good to finally see him even though he looked desperately ill and was in a coma with tubes coming out of every orifice.  I kept calm, held his hand and chatted to him about normal everyday things and tried to keep things light.  Even though he was asleep I didn’t want to make him anxious.  He’s a worrier so I knew he’d have been panicking about how we’d been coping.  I’ve never had such a one sided conversation – he’s not exactly the quiet, shy, retiring type!  Although under heavy sedation, he managed to open his eyes and nodded when I asked if he could recognise my voice.  It was a great sign!

A week later, when Paul came out of his coma, his brain scans came back clear but the bacteria had attacked his heart.  This was not the end – he was told he had to have heart surgery within the next 48 hours.  This was a lot for his hazy mind to take in as he couldn’t fathom where the last week had gone.  The bacteria had damaged two of his heart valves and he underwent an eight hour operation to replace them with metal ones.  He steadily recovered from the operation and was determined to get his physical strength back.  Defying doctor’s expectations, he was let out of hospital just over a week later.  Things were finally looking up and we started planning our trip home.

What happened next?
We tried to get back to some kind of normality even going on a dinner date in Chicago as a belated Valentines present.  But the relief and happiness did not last long.  A few days later Paul went back into hospital, struggling to breathe and they discovered fluid around his heart.  Little did we know that the worst was yet to come.  As he was being prepped for yet another surgery to remove the fluid he went into cardiac arrest.  He flat-lined right before my eyes and was clinically dead for 28 minutes.  It was the worst day of my life.

Someone must have been looking over us because the medical team miraculously brought him back to life. His heart restarted and he went into theatre to drain the blood from around his heart after he had suffered an internal bleed.  It was a success and he was back in intensive care, steadily making a recovery and beginning more rehabilitation.  We eventually flew home from Chicago after seven long weeks, our lives forever changed.

How and where did you find the strength to carry on functioning as a wife, a mother, a person – not once but twice?
I think you just have to!  The first time with the cancer it was all a bit of a haze as I was in the late stages of my pregnancy with complications but I had a strong network of people around me including doctor friends who could decipher all the medical chat.  When our daughter was born, she became the focus but also my husband’s strength and positivity helped us get through this time.  The second time was far worse –  I couldn’t even speak to him or see him!  But I always tried to keep a positive state of mind.  Sometimes it wasn’t easy.  He is a tough, positive person so I channeled a lot of him and I had belief in his strength and determination that he’d get over the meningitis and out of the coma.  I also wanted to keep things ‘normal’ for my daughter and that helped me put one foot in front of the other each day – I had to as I didn’t want her thinking anything was wrong.  The worst bit was when she would ask about her daddy.  Fighting back tears I told her he’d be back soon.

Before I went to Chicago I tried to keep as busy as I could – it was my way of coping – and I did all the jobs around the house we hadn’t got around to doing.  I wanted to make the home look as perfect as possible to welcome Paul home.  I had to believe he was coming home and that was what I focused on.  I kept reassuring myself that he had already beaten cancer so he would fight this too.  I would also think to myself ‘what would Paul do in this situation’ even for the small things like booking the flight.  It helped me find strength and feel like he was there with me.

My little girl helped so much especially when we were in Chicago.  She had no real idea what was going on.  She wanted to go to breakfast, have a play, read books.  She was the best distraction and when I was with her I gave her my full attention so that there was no dwelling on the ‘what if’s’.

Months after, every now and then, something will come back to haunt me – the enormity of what Paul went through, what I have seen and what he has survived.  Most of the time it is fleeting and I push it aside but it is there and always will be.  That however is the past and you have to look to the future.  We have learned a lot over the past few months with the biggest lesson being how fragile life can be and therefore it’s so important that we all live life to the full.  Everyday.

How did you get through the darkest moments and how did you cope with your worst fears?
As mentioned my daughter has been my absolute rock.  On the day my husband went into cardiac arrest, I went back to the waiting room and there she was.  I gave her a huge hug and focused on reading her a story and being strong for her, putting my trust in the medical team.  I knew there was nothing I could do for Paul at that moment but I could stay strong for others and be a positive and reassuring influence when he woke up.

My best friend Emma was also amazing.  She’s a surgeon and as soon as she heard my husband went into cardiac arrest, she came out to Chicago. She helped with my daughter and took my mind off things and assisted with all the medical language too.  I also got so many messages of support from friends and family which meant a lot.  But when it was just me and my thoughts I did all I could to shut out any negativity.  The mind is extremely powerful but we can have complete control over it if we choose.  In that moment when my husband was in a hospital room dying, I felt sick and was praying – a lot – but I never gave up on him.  I remember saying to myself over and over “he’s going to be ok, he’s going to be ok.”  I just kept repeating it over and over because for me there could be no other ending.

At the time I happened to be reading a book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (I recommend everyone read it at some point in their lives).  It was like I was supposed to read that book at that moment in my life.  It helped enormously in those dark days.  It’s all about the law of attraction and thinking positive thoughts, overcoming fears and attracting good things into your life.  The book really spoke to me and gave me solace.  Yes, it was an awful situation but I focused on it getting better and didn’t think too much about the why.  Why it happened.  Why us?  Why so many times?  After all what would that achieve?  You can drive yourself crazy.  I could not change what was happening but I could control how I dealt with it and how we moved forward as a family.  I am just so thankful that he is still with us.  Now, when I get annoyed with my hubby or he gets stressed about little things, it’s not hard to look at what has happened and have gratitude.  I usually just laugh at him and give him a big hug.  There are far bigger things in life.

One of the many things you do is blog.  Tell us a little about it?
Wander Mum is mainly a travel blog about my family adventures with a bit of mummy stuff thrown in and I have also documented some of what we have been through as a family over the years.  I got the traveling bug after going on a round the world trip on my own after university.  I did everything from skydiving to bungee jumping, climbing glaciers and jungle hiking.  I had a blast and it opened my eyes to the world.

Fortunately my husband shares my passion and now it seems my daughter does too.  She first flew when she was just nine weeks old and we haven’t looked back.  I set up Wander Mum because I wanted to show that you can still travel with children in tow.  I share my experiences and pass on advice to help inspire others to take the plunge and not be put off traveling as a family.  Traveling is the best education and I want to be able to expose my daughter to many different cultures and experiences.  It isn’t something I did a lot when I was a child (being one of four we stayed in the UK for our holidays) but you always want more for you children, don’t you?

What drew you to blogging?
My friend Emma suggested I do it.  I am not sure I would have thought to do it if it hadn’t been for her encouragement. Sometimes it’s the things you never imagined doing that become the best decisions you ever made so always stay open minded.  I love traveling and writing.  I would type out stories on my mum’s typewriter when I was little and make up magazines for my primary school friends.  I did an English degree and now I am a journalist so I guess blogging was the natural thing to do.  I love being able to write about anything, anywhere, without any restrictions and creating something totally unique.  I also find it’s a great therapy.  In fact, I am finding writing this very therapeutic.  I haven’t gone into too much detail about our ordeal on my blog –  yet.  Writing this makes it far more real!  So thanks for asking me to do this.  It has been a great help to me and I hope to others as well.

What has the blogging community meant to you?
When I was living through my husbands illnesses and blogging a bit about the experience I had so much support – so many lovely comments. I can’t thank people enough. To receive encouragement and reassurance is a huge boost.  And knowing that my words could have an impact and help other people find strength in similar situations is an incredible feeling.  At BritMums recently I had people like Vicki from Honest Mum checking how my husband was and that was really touching.  Thanks to you Nomita, for asking me to do this and assuring me that my words and my experience were inspiring.

Who are your favourite must-read bloggers and why?
There are so many great bloggers out there and every week I find another –  that’s the great thing about blogging, there’s room for all of us and each blog offers something different.  I am forever getting tips and knowledge from other parent bloggers and I really enjoy reading the adventures of other travel bloggers and learning about new places, some of which I haven’t even heard of before.

What’s your best piece of advice for any family or anybody going through some very difficult times?
Gosh, every family has different struggles and each one is very personal.  You never really know how you will react in situations until they happen.  My biggest suggestion is to dig deep inside and reach that determination and grit which I believe exists in everyone.  Forget what has gone before, let go of any blame and take responsibility for making things better and owning your future.  Believe in yourself and never give up on you or on life!  I also think it’s really important to have gratitude for all the good things you do have.  I live in a safe, first world country not a war zone as many people do.  For that alone, I feel blessed.

Would you change the past if you could?
It would obviously be great if my husband hadn’t had all these health issues, especially the heart surgery which means he will have to take medication for the rest of his life and has had to make a few lifestyle changes but it’s just a drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things!  It has happened and I don’t like looking back – it’s not going to achieve anything.  You have to learn from what has happened, deal with it as best you can and carry on rather than dwell.  The bumpy road we have gone through has only helped make us stronger, more supportive and made us appreciate life, each other and what the world has to offer even more!

Life changing events like these really do help give perspective and put value on your life.  It sounds a bit morbid, but you never know what is around the corner or what is going to happen so always make the most of everyday.  I don’t sweat the small things half as much as I used to – there really are bigger things in life and unfortunately, as we get older, we are bound to come across more challenges.  I just remind myself that I am lucky to still have my husband and my daughter has her daddy.  On the flip side, although my husband was terribly unlucky he was also incredibly lucky to be in America, close to an excellent hospital and with quick thinking colleagues who got him there in time.  Things could have been a lot worse.

inspiring women interviews ebabee

What’s next for you – both professionally and personally?
Who knows what the future holds?  It’s kind of exciting in a way.  Paul is doing really well. He is getting his fitness back and planning to run an 8 mile race soon.  I’m looking forward to taking on any new opportunities which come my way.  You never know what is around the corner.  I will continue working on all my different interests: my journalism career, my business and keep growing and expanding my blog – there’s still so much I want to do with it!  As a family, we are looking forward to more travel, exploring new places and spending time together.  With any luck, we would like to grow our family at some point but one step at a time.  We have each other.  We are in a good place now and really looking forward to the future. But please, if my hubby could have no more health issues that would be perfect!

Wow. What can I say?  Elizabeth and Paul have been through so much and yet they have both remained so positive and determined to come out smiling the other side.  I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Elizabeth while interviewing her and I was so struck by her lack of self pity.  And more than that, in every difficult situation wallowing in grief was never an option – for Elizabeth it was always about staying positive and focusing on what she could do rather than dwelling on what she couldn’t change.  In the midst of it all Elizabeth even wrote a post on why she felt lucky.  Elizabeth’s words and attitude are so inspiring for any situation in life, no matter how small or big.  Be positive, be determined, look forward and most of all do what you can to make things better rather than wasting time and energy on what you cannot change. Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your inspiring story with us and if you want to read more, check out Elizabeth’s blog – Wander Mum.  

If you read my first inspiring stories interview then you’ll know what these interviews are all about.  Today it’s time to meet another incredibly inspiring lady who is also a mum.  Everybody has setbacks in life – some have bigger setbacks some have smaller – but we all have them.  It’s not these setbacks that define us but how we deal with them.  So I hope to share stories that will inspire us all and help us to realise that no matter what, we can achieve those dreams and goals.  In today’s story, despite numerous delays, setbacks and medical problems, a gorgeous handmade teddy bear brand was created and launched.

Rachel BEasley Bear Good

Meet Rachel Beasely who is the founder and designer behind Bear Good – a range of traditional teddy bears made in England that are given a contemporary twist.  But Bear Good isn’t just about the bears, it’s also about doing good.  Read on to find out more about these bears and about Rachel’s story of sheer determination.

Tell us a few words about you?
I’m a mum of two – a 3 year old girl and an 11 month old boy – who are both the apples of my eyes!  I’m originally from Yorkshire but have been in London for almost 15 years.  I used to be in advertising and marketing but then took the leap in to entrepreneurship and tried a few different things.  In 2012 I had the idea for Bear Good and the rest is history as they say.  A pet hate of mine is noisy eaters – I can’t sit next to them as it drives me nuts!  Only adults though, I don’t mind kids eating noisily which is a bit strange!

What has been your biggest struggle so far?
Getting my business launched!  You have a plan in your head but then things happen that you have no control over.  I planned to launch in February 2014 but the products were late so I had to delay.  I was also pregnant with my second child and due to deliver very soon.  Unfortunately my obstetrician didn’t listen to me about my past medical history and gave me some incorrect advice which resulted in a traumatic birth leaving me with severe back problems.  On good days I experienced pain but on bad days I couldn’t even get out of bed.  I learned to cope with this as there was no choice.

Things got progressively worse with with my back throughout the Summer of 2014 but I wanted to focus on the positives in my life like becoming a mum for the second time and enjoying my son.  I knew I couldn’t give the business all the time it deserved but I tried to look at what I could do.  I decided I could slowly build the website myself just to keep things moving and planned a soft launch just before Christmas 2014.  However on December 1st my back finally gave way.  One minute I was stood up and the next I was on the floor.

The next few weeks are a bit of a haze!  On December 19th, the day before my birthday, I was wheeled in to hospital for an injection in my back.  A few hours later I was wheeled out the same way as the injection hadn’t worked.  I had another in early January which enabled me to shuffle along.  But then I had an operation on my back on 16th January and the change was amazing – the following morning I was sat up in a chair having a cup of tea after having been for a short walk!

Where and how did you find the determination to carry on with your plans?
Aside from my family, my business was something I could focus on that wasn’t related to my back.  And because I had committed to a charity already I didn’t want to let them down.  Financially I’d invested a lot too so giving up just wasn’t an option.

inspiring women interviews

A lot of people in your situation would have given up on their dreams.  Did you ever feel like giving up?  And how did you pull yourself out of those dark moments?
Oh yes! I felt like giving up plenty of times!  Especially when the pain was unbearable.  But I had the love and support of a great family who helped me get through this.  My mum practically moved in with us to help keep the house ticking so that my partner didn’t have to worry about the washing and ironing.  My partner was my rock.  At my lowest points he picked me up and helped me see a future past the pain, past being in bed and running around with the kids again. I had six weeks post-op where I couldn’t pick my baby up and when I did it was wonderful, as was getting my daughter on my knee for a cuddle.  I also kept imagining my company being successful and achieving the goals I’d set myself.  So I can’t believe it but I launched the website a couple of weeks after the op.   Looking back, launching the site then was probably pretty stupid, but I think I just needed to close a chapter and open a new one.

British teddy bear makers

Tell us a bit about Bear Good.  What inspired you to make teddy bears?
It wasn’t so much about the bears to start with but more the idea of interweaving doing good with a business.  We were told that having children would be difficult for us.  Following a lot of mountains climbed and hurdles overcome we welcomed our daughter in to the world in 2011.  I felt very, very lucky to have been given this gift and I wanted to protect her, nurture her and ultimately give her everything I possibly could.  Filled with all the new mum wonderment (and exhaustion!) I started thinking about all the children out there who haven’t got a safe environment to live in, a nurturing loving family, good healthcare and access to quality education.  I knew I wanted a shift in direction post-birth, so combining my business and branding background with the urge to do some good at the same time led me to come up with Bear Good.  The company has been built on a real commitment to giving, so much so that we give 10% of our sales to the charity and the non-profit we support.  This means donating is intrinsically built in to our business model as the charity gets their share come what may, rather than being profit share based.

teddy bears made in England

As creatives we are always looking for new ideas and ways to make them a reality.  Tell us how you look for inspiration and how you turn that in to a teddy bear?
The teddy bear is the flagship product and my inspiration came from imagery of children carrying a teddy bear.  It said to me that there is a whole lot of love from a child to their bear and that’s the kind of love that we want to pass on to the children we are trying to help.  I also recognised that to be a bit different we had to look again at design and I opted to go classic where high quality is part and parcel, design is simple and there is somewhat of a legacy created.  After all, we are aiming at the gifting market where someone is looking at buying a gift that is incredibly special and meaningful for a special occasion like a birth.

A teddy bear is for life.  I wanted to make sure I made bears that would last a lifetime, that a child could have adventures with and it would still be in one piece in years and years to come.  Yet I didn’t want them to be old fashioned.  So whilst the designs are classic, the fabrics are contemporary like moleskins and corduroy.  We wanted to support British manufacturing as much as we could so the fabric has been sourced from a mill in Todmorden, Lancashire.  The bear’s t-shirts are all inspired by the American raglan motif t-shirts from the 70’s.  Perfect for everyday wear and gifts alike.  I love them and would wear them if I could!

I’m really excited to say that every child that has come in to contact with them wants to take them home – the bears have a real personality to them are just waiting for good homes to go to!

What’s the best part of running a small business?
As most mums would agree, life with children is busy and non-stop. So the flexibility I have makes life much easier as a family.  I also like the fact I can make my own decisions and put my ideas in to action.

The world of soft toys is so incredible these days.  There is so much choice out there for any budget and taste.  Apart from your own, which soft toy creators do you admire?
I adore traditional teddy bears, I love Lucky Boy Sunday softies as the designs are wonderful and I also like Sew Heart Felt puppets.  Of course Jellycat has to be in there too – my son and daughter both have different characters whom they love.

What is your best piece of advice for anyone who has suffered big setbacks in life?
Don’t beat yourself up if you have to change your plans.  If you need time to heal, take it as it will pay back ten-fold in the long run.

inspiring stories of overcoming struggles

Would you change your past if you could?
I would have listened to my gut instinct in the hospital as I honestly believe I wouldn’t have been through this if I had.  The times when I haven’t listened to my gut instinct are the times when things have gone wrong.

What’s next for you both professionally and personally?
Professionally I am aiming to build the Bear Good business quickly to make up for lost time.  Personally I am making my back as strong as it can be in the hope that I never have to go under the knife again.  On a lighter note I am already planning Christmas 2015 in my head as I missed that, my birthday and the new year last year so I want to make this one really special for my partner and my children.

Thank you Rachel for sharing your inspiring story with us.  What I loved most about getting to know Rachel was that giving up was never an option for her.  In our chats and messages to each other I got a real sense of sheer determination from Rachel.  Nothing would stop her achieving her goals and making her dreams a reality.  As Rachel explains, apart from family, it was visualising those very goals and ambitions that kept her going through her darkest days.  Giving up may seem like the only way in short term and who would blame you if you did under such circumstances but if you slowly chip away at your goals, they can and will become a reality no matter what life throws at you along the way.  Do take a look at Rachel’s gorgeous one of a kind teddy bears that would make a lovely gift for a new baby or an older child especially to mark a special occasion.

P.S. If you have a story of overcoming a set-back (of any kind) and would like to share it, please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you (only requirements are that you are a parent with a blog or business but if not a parent you have a baby/kids related business).  You can get in touch privately through the contact page or send me a private facebook message and we can chat more to see if it’s something you would like to share.

I’ve been thinking about doing some interviews for a while.  But I didn’t want to just chat about products or brands, I wanted it to be something more than that.  I wanted get to know the person behind any venture and to talk to people who were truly inspiring and could teach us all something.  Then it came to me – I would interview people who have overcome something to get to where they are.  Simple as this may sound – it’s not.  Once you read the the interview below you will know what I mean.

If you have ever found yourself wallowing in self pity over the smallest or even big things (I know I do) then this interview will really inspire you.  If you find yourself making excuses not to do something because of your circumstances, then just keep reading because anything can be overcome – it’s all about the attitude.  It’s about accepting the situation and making the best of it no matter how bad.  And in this instance, out of sheer determination despite such a massive struggle, was born a gorgeous baby clothing brand.  More about that below.

Allison one handed designer

Meet Allison Tovey who is the founder and designer at Asolon – a beautiful baby clothing and baby gift brand.

Tell us a few words about you?
I’m Allison, a one-handed New Zealand designer whose mind never sleeps!

inspiring interviews overcoming struggles

What has been your biggest struggle so far?
When I was 25, thinking about quitting my full time job and working full time on my own womenswear brand, I had a major stroke.  After surgery and four weeks in a coma I woke up to find my speech missing and my right side paralyzed.  I spent another six months in hospital learning to speak, learning to walk and learning to function without the use of my dominant arm.  After five years of countless physio, OT and speech sessions and all the rehab tools in the world – I’m back running my own business, doing what I love but in a different way to what I expected six years ago.  Now I still walk with a stick, my right arm and hand are not functional but I’m still working on my rehab.  I have a quote on my desk to keep me on track – ‘anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice’.

Where and how did you find the strength and determination to carry on?
People ask me this all the time and I have yet to come up with a strong answer!  Before my stroke I was a very independent, determined person.  Then when I had my stroke and came out of my coma I wanted to know how I could get back to my old self.  I couldn’t hold on to the ‘what if’s’ and ‘poor me’ – I just had to get on with life and deal with whatever came my way.  I was determined not to let my stroke define me and I just accepted it as part of my journey.

A lot of people in your situation would have given up.  Did you ever feel like giving up?  And how did you pull yourself out of those dark moments?
As most people do, in the beginning I had my pity parties especially when I wasn’t able to do the normal things that other people don’t realise they do all the time (e.g. communicate) – it was a real emotional roller coaster.  I would cry with frustration but luckily I had my extremely understanding father and boyfriend (now husband) at my side to bring me back to reality and help guide me back on my path.

merino wool baby clothes

Tell us about Asolon, your baby and kids clothing label?
Asolon is a baby clothing and baby gift brand selling mainly baby bodysuits, sleepwear, tops and baby gift sets.  I design and create the entire range which is all about classic styling with a strong focus on quality. Every piece is individually hand-crafted using natural fabrics – NZ Merino wool, organic cotton and cotton. Perhaps most importantly, a great deal of love and care has gone in to making my garments so I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.

organic cotton baby leggings

So many kids clothes designers say their inspiration came from their kids.  I know you don’t have any kids (yet) so how come you chose to design a baby and kids clothing range?
My stroke affected every part of my physical body but my creative brain was still intact.  I’m not good at having nothing to do, so when I finally got home from hospital my dad got me a shiny new Mac with all the design software and I spent all my time learning to draw and design again without using my right arm.  This became my rehab tool!

Soon after I was invited to a baby shower.  I was still very much a shell of my old self and finding it extremely hard to communicate but I wanted to show my friends that deep down I was still the same creative person I had always been.   This led to me creating my first handmade gift set ‘The Hare and The Tortoise’ and with that Asolon was re-born.  As my recovery has progressed and my skills have developed my range has expanded more and more in to what you see today.

As creatives we are always looking for new ideas and ways to make them a reality.  Tell us us how you look for inspiration and how do you turn that in to a piece of clothing?  
So many inspirations, but I guess my main inspiration for Asolon is fabric.  The feel, handling it, colour and the limitless items these fabric could become!  My mum was a seamstress and ever since I can remember we were always found in material shops dreaming of what we could make that weekend.  As you have probably guessed now I’m a fabric hoarder!  Merino is my favourite fabric to work with – simple and natural but it’s a super fabric.  I can’t understand why everybody doesn’t dress their baby in merino!

What’s the best part of running a small business?
In my case, the best part of running a small business is that I can have a life of flexibility.  My business can fit around my life, especially my rehab.

The world of kids clothing is incredible.  There is so much beautiful choice out there for any budget and taste.  Apart from your own, who are your favourite kids clothing designers?  High-end and high-street?
There’s so many great brands that I love –  Gray Label, Moi, Mini Rodini, Oeuf… the list goes on!

inspiring entrepreneur stories

What’s your best piece of advice to anyone who has suffered a really big setback in life?
A cliché I know but ‘your past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted’ – you have to move on and make the best of what you have today!

Would you change your past if you could?
Normally people would say ‘I would change nothing’ but I would say if I was to go back in time I would STRESS LESS!

inspiring women interviews

What’s next for you – both professionally and personally?
All though my recovery I had to learn to do everything in a different way than I had always known so I have started a blog of my creative adventures from a one handed person’s point of view.  It’s called one handed crafter.  Hopefully I can inspire other young people who may be in the same or similar position and show them that you can have a creative life even if you are one handed (or indeed have any other struggles).  And as for Asolon the opportunities are endless, watch this space!

Thank you Allison for sharing your incredible and truly inspiring story with us.  It really puts things in perspective, at least for me.  They often say ‘where there is a will, there is a way’ and Allison has shown us just how true that is.  What I loved most about getting to know Allison was the incredible lack of self pity – there was not a hint of it.  As she explains, you have to get that out of the way quickly and look forward to making the most of what you do have.  So she has completely accepted her fate and despite her big setbacks has achieved her goals.  Do take a look at the gorgeous baby clothes that Allison makes – very classic, very practical and very stylish.  There are lots of stripes in the collection but also some brighter pieces that perfectly compliment the stripes.  Some of my favourites include the deer print leggings and the orange poppy print ones. 

P.S. If you have a story of overcoming a set-back (of any kind) and would like to share it, please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you (only requirements are that you are a parent with or without a business but if not you have a baby/kids related business).  You can get in touch privately through the contact page or send me a private facebook message and we can chat more to see if it’s something you would like to share.

*I’ve linked up to Honest Mum’s brilliant blog posts.

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