Les Pommettes du Chat (Cheekbones of the cat) is a lovely French boutique that makes the sweetest little decorations for babies and kids. They have adorable things like those soft mini triangle rattles and tiny little clouds for hanging on the wall. They also make some very pretty bed linen and other textiles like bibs, pouches and paper garlands. The fabrics are all so pretty and delicate and the creations feel like they’ve been made with lots of love and a touch of poetry. I love boutiques like Les Pommettes du Chat because their offerings are so unusual and it almost feels like the products have been created especially for you.
Entries Tagged as 'liberty prints'
Little decorations for little people…
June 24, 2013
Florals, solids & stripes…
May 28, 2013
Liberty prints are so pretty and I love them even more when they’re paired with solid and stripes. So when I saw this collection of kids bed linen and accessories I was excited to share them with you. From France, Lab. makes lots or pretty things for babies and kids which include duvet sets, sleeping bags, cushions and more. There are plenty of liberty prints on offer and then there are the solid and stripes which complement them perfectly. I’m especially loving those sweet teddy bear pillows and these single striped linen quilts.
Lab. don’t just make things for kids; they’ve got a lovely adult size collection too. Most of their designs are suitable for any age so you’ve got gorgeous cushions, duvets and quilts in similar prints and colours for grown-ups as well. My favourite liberty print is the pastel one pictured at the top… so delicate and so pretty for any little baby. And I love the turquoise and brown combination for any age.
*via the style files
Love for liberty…
January 29, 2013
When I was a kid I remember my mum getting my brother and me an Indian liberty print quilt each. We both got so attached to our quilts that we would take them with us everywhere we traveled. I’m sure that hadn’t been part of my mothers plan as taking two bulky quilts everywhere is far from ideal but we wouldn’t be parted from our beloved quilts. When my quilt had to be washed my mum always made sure it was dried within the day as sleeping without it wasn’t an option (thanks mum!). I don’t know what it was about the quilt that made me so attached to it… the tiny floral print, the muted colours of pink and mint green, the softness of the fabric or was it just a comforter of sorts? Even though at the time I had no clue what a Liberty print was, I now know that is my earliest memory of owning something in this wonderful fabric.
Since then of course I have bought several Liberty print things and have a real love for the fabrics so it’s no wonder that I was drawn to this new collection of bed linen, pillows and soft bean bag type seats for kids. The collection has been created by Cam Cam especially for the lovely boutique Mimi’s Circus. While the entire collection is made using liberty print fabrics, it’s the little neon cloud detail that adds that extra special touch. I’m not normally a fan of bean bags but I think my favourite part of this collection is those bean bag type seats. It’s a collection that will appeal to both kids and adults and that always gets my vote.