Entries Tagged as 'motherhood moments'

kids say the funniest things

I am so glad I have started writing down what Anya says because even at 6½ years she comes out with some hilarious stuff!  I know these innocent comments and crazy sweet words will disappear over time so I want to make the most of it!  Do you write down what your kids say?  It’s such a lovely memory to have and look back on.  So to end the week on a happy, funny and light-hearted note, here are some recent conversations with Anya:

We were chatting about an upcoming 6th birthday party that Anya was invited to.
Me: What does your friend like?  I need to buy her a birthday present.
Anya: She likes boys. (of course I’m thinking, boys already?! But I continue the conversation)
Me: I can’t buy her a boy, can I?
Anya: No, but you can buy her a toy boy!
Oh the innocence of childhood!

Out of the blue:
Anya: Do I have boobies or nickels?

We were at a restaurant and Anya chose Cumberland sausage and chips for her meal. She then proceeded to tell the waitress her order:
Anya: Can I please have the sausage and chips without the Cumberland?

Anya’s just lost both her front teeth. We’ve always made a big deal of the tooth fairy and Anya’s always been so excited about the whole magic of the tooth fairy, much more so than Santa (sorry Santa!).  So I was not ready for this.
Me: How much did the tooth fairy give you this time?
Anya: (very matter of factly) It’s not really the tooth fairy.
Me: Who is it then?
Anya: It’s you.
Noooo… I’m not ready for these magical myths to be busted just yet. 

What are some of the funny, cute, candid and crazy things your kids have said?  I’d love to hear so do leave a comment below.

Have a happy weekend ~ nomita x

motherhood moments ebabee

Yesterday I posted an instagram picture of Anya at three months (for throw back Thursday) and it just got me thinking about how time has flown.  I cannot believe how quickly these last six years have gone but on the other hand I feel like Anya has been a part of my life for as long as I have lived.  I started thinking about what a mix of things motherhood is and how each ordinary day is filled with so many extraordinary moments – from happy ones to sad ones and pretty much everything in between.  No two days are alike, yet each day brings so many little moments that we don’t always take the time to appreciate – I know I don’t always.  I can’t think of any other phase in my life where the little moments have been so many and mattered so much.  And besides, it’s moments that make up your memories, not whole days.  So I thought I would share some of my favourite motherhood moments today just so that I remember to appreciate them even more because sometime we take these for granted:

That moment when she climbs in to our bed each morning asking for a cuddle (this can also happen at 3am when it’s not quite so special a moment!)

That moment when she’s trying desperately to be a big brave girl but her face tells a completely different story.  Seconds later the tears come and she is a crumpled heap in my arms.

That moment when she steals a glance at me with a glint in her eye when she is about to do something she fully knows she isn’t supposed to, but does it anyway.

That moment when she (finally) goes to bed and we can hear a soft singing voice coming from the bedroom.  Even that moment when she belts out ‘let it go’ completely out of tune, looking so pleased with herself (ok, maybe not so much this one!)

That moment when she does something naughty but oh so funny.  I know I should be telling her off but sometimes I can’t help but burst out laughing!

That moment when you have to be the responsible parent and encourage her to do something you know she really doesn’t want to but it’s in her best interest, so you do it while you maybe crying a little inside.

That moment where I pretend to be a dog, a cat, a dragon or a monster and I actually think it’s completely normal!

That moment when you can literally feel your heart swelling with pride when someone else says takes a moment to say wonderful things about your child.

What are some of your favourite motherhood moments?

Happy weekend all and enjoy those extraordinary moments in each ordinary day – nomita x

{photo by Abigail Fahey photography for ebabee}

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