I’m a-buzz with playful, cheery happiness. Who wouldn’t be looking at this bright and beautiful wooden bee toy. It’s a collection of boldly coloured bee-hives with matching bees from Plan Toys’ new 2010 range. Grab the included tweezers and match the bees to their hives. Kids will learn colour and co-ordination in a super fun way. I feel happy just by looking at this colourful toy. The Beehives from Plan Toys costs £16.95 plus £4.95 for delivery.
Entries Tagged as 'plan toys'
Bzzzz… lets play beehives
October 28, 2010
A Chunky Sheep
September 24, 2010
My minimalist side is jumping for joy at the sight of this simple, wooden, chunky sheep. So desirable in all it’s chunky splendour, it also comes apart to be laced back together. Each disk is colour coded, a cool way to learn colour and sequence. The chubby sheep’s by Plan Toys, makers of some fine and dandy eco-friendly wooden toys. The lacing sheep costs £13.99 and delivery is free.