Entries Tagged as 'potties'

Potty time

August 26, 2010

"Hoppop donut potty"I’m thinking of potty training soon.  So, I’ve landed the so not glamorous task of finding a potty.  Searching yesterday I was losing the will to continue when I came across one that actually got me excited (maybe excited’s pushing it but indulge me). It’s the Hoppop Donut potty chair.   It comes in a white base with a fuschia (so much cooler than pale pink), aqua or lime inner.  There’s also a grey/lime combo which is pretty cool.  As you’ve guessed, it’s shaped like a donut, the pot in the middle is easily removable and it’s wipe clean.

If you’ve got to get a potty, may as well get the funkiest, coolest looking one you can! The hoppop donut potty costs £19.99 with free delivery.

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