While I am normally very much a fan of neutral white walls and like to use objects and paintings to add colour, I went against my instinct and painted my hallway in a dark aubergine. Despite myself, I love it! I think it works because of the contrast with the bright white floors. This got me thinking about rarely seeing kids rooms painted in bold, dark, statement colours and most of the time I can understand why. Pale, light colours do make a space feel larger and brighter while dark colours can have the opposite effect. But sometimes it’s fun to break from the norm and do something different. And if done right, it can really work. Here are 3 kids rooms that really make dark colours work in the space:
Dark purple is not a colour you often come across but it totally works because it’s been complimented with lots of white. I also love that the wall is a chalkboard wall making it even more fun. (via spearmint baby)
In this room there’s no respite with white. Instead it’s dark walls with dark furniture but by using similar tones, the room does come together and creates a moody effect which I like. (via cable & cotton)
This room uses the darkest colour of all – black and it’s a jet black. But I love how the black starts on the floor and goes only halfway up the walls. An all black room would be oppressive but by doing it this way it really works and gives an unusual look. Most dark colours paired with white or any pale colour would work well in this way. (via Kotipalapeli)
Would you try a really dark colour anywhere in your home? You never know, you may just love it.
{top photo by ebabee, colour is brinjal by Farrow & Ball}