Entries Tagged as 'retail experiences'

"aesop borough market london"

While I’ve never been much of a make-up junkie, I have always had a weak spot for nice smelling creams and lotions as well as pretty clothes.  Ever since I became a mum, my focus though has been Anya.  Especially since I started this blog, I am always looking out for beautiful kids things and kind of tend to forget about myself.   Last weekend while visiting Borough Market, I walked in to the Aesop store and this reminded me of how much I miss indulging myself and finding nice things for myself.

"Aesop shop Borough Market London"

The store itself was a real experience, so stylish in a minimalist way and the service I got was nothing short of outstanding.  Anya was with me and they even pampered her by sitting her down and putting some cream on her hands which delighted her no end.  I ended up buying a face cream which smells divine but it wasn’t just the purchase that I enjoyed; it was the whole experience of doing something for myself and discovering this little gem of a store.  I’ve since had a look at their stores around the world and beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe them.

Being a mum means very little time for yourself.  But I feel it’s important to find a little time to do what you love doing.  I want to try and focus on getting my mojo back by seeking out beautiful clothes, beauty products and experiences for me like I used to.  And when I find something worthwhile like this experience, I will share it here with you mamas.  Whatever it is that you enjoy doing, are you good at finding a little time to indulge yourself in doing it?  Or do you forget about yourself like me?  I’d love to hear in the comments.

Have a wonderful and indulgent weekend! x

{top photo by Aesop, bottom by ebabee}

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