Entries Tagged as 'wall mounted animal heads'

A rabbit and a lion…

August 14, 2013

"wall mounted paper animal head rabbit""DIY wall mounted animal head lion"Wall mounted animal heads seem to have become all the rage for kids rooms.  In recent months I have seen so many animal heads from cloth ones to clay ones and everything in between.  Some look quite sinister to me while others look too cutesy.  I really can’t decide whether I like this trend or not but there is one exception – these animal heads made purely from paper.  Neither cutesy nor sinister, I like that they are just graphic forms of animals in pretty colours and most importantly I like that there are no eyes staring at you (that just creeps me out!).  The bunny ones are so cute for a nursery and you can buy them from Chloe Fleury’s shop while the lion one is very cool and is a DIY project by Lille Nord.

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