I’d been eyeing this toy for months but Anya was a bit young for the beauty that is this French cow. As soon as she came of age, I went online found the bright wooden shape sorter at tickety-boo, paid £21 and then waited with great anticipation. Four days later, I opened up the box and there she was in all her multi-coloured glory. She was small but perfect. Cachatou maggy has 6 holes with 6 different shapes to slot in to them but Anya is more interested in loading all her lego in to cachatou maggy. Still, she does love her as do I and so this wonderful cow sits proudly on display on a shelf made especially for her.
Helen @ Business Plus Baby August 23, 2010 8:55PM
Gorgeous shape sorter! Thanks for entering the blog carnival – it’s great to ‘meet’ you :0)
ebabeelikes August 23, 2010 9:10PM
Thanks for stopping by. Fab to ‘meet’ you too!