Sweet: Urban Elk baby and junior bed sets

February 3, 2011

"urban elk baby bed set"

I’m a bit fussy when it comes to bambino bedding… OK, a lot fussy!  So, I don’t often bring you baby bedsets, kiddy duvet covers and the rest.  But when I do, you can rest assured it’s passed my fussy mama test with top marks.  And today I’m super happy to bring you bed sets from Urban Elk.  Hot Scandi design embellished with their native elk’s, create simple but super sweet n’ stylish bedding for little peeps.  The bed sets come in sizes for babies and juniors and contain a pillowcase and duvet cover.  The colours on offer include a deep red, plummy purple, sky blue and more.  At the moment you can buy these direct from the Urban Elk site and they cost from €46.80 plus delivery at €20.  Delivery is super steep as they’re shipped from Denmark, but these bed sets should be available from UK stores soon.

We’ve got a cool g nappy giveaway this week. Click to check it out.

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